Waveforms package
simple_pe.waveforms.parameter_bounds module
- simple_pe.waveforms.parameter_bounds.param_bounds(params, dx_directions, harm2=False)[source]
calculate appropriate bounds on the dx_directions given the value of params
- Parameters:
params – dictionary with parameter values for initial point
dx_directions – list of parameters for which to calculate waveform variations
harm2 – flag to indicate filtering 2-harmonic waveform
simple_pe.waveforms.waveform module
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform.check_physical(x, dx, scaling, maxs=None, mins=None, verbose=False)[source]
A function to check whether the point described by the positions x + dx is physically permitted. If not, rescale and return the scaling factor
- Parameters:
x – dictionary with parameter values for initial point
dx – dictionary with parameter variations
scaling – the scaling to apply to dx
maxs – a dictionary with the maximum permitted values of the physical parameters
mins – a dictionary with the minimum physical values of the physical parameters
verbose – print logging messages
- Return alpha:
the scaling factor required to make x + scaling * dx physically permissible
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform.make_offset_waveform(x, dx, scaling, df, f_low, flen, approximant='IMRPhenomD', harm2=False)[source]
This function makes a waveform for the given parameters and returns h_plus generated at value (x + scaling * dx).
- Parameters:
x – dictionary with parameter values for initial point
dx – dictionary with parameter variations (can be a subset of the parameters in x)
scaling – the scaling to apply to dx
df – frequency spacing of points
f_low – low frequency cutoff
flen – length of the frequency domain array to generate
approximant – the approximant generator to use
harm2 – generate the 2-harmonics
- Return h_plus:
waveform at parameter space point x + scaling * dx
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform.make_waveform(params, df, f_low, flen, approximant='IMRPhenomD', return_hc=False, modes=None, harm2=False)[source]
This function makes a waveform for the given parameters and returns h_plus generated at value x.
- Parameters:
params – SimplePESamples with parameter values for waveform generation
df – frequency spacing of points
f_low – low frequency cutoff
flen – length of the frequency domain array to generate
approximant – the approximant generator to use
return_hc – flag to choose to return cross polarization (only non-precessing)
modes – the modes to generate (only for non-precessing)
harm2 – generate the 2-harmonics
- Return h_plus:
waveform at parameter space point x
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform.offset_params(x, dx, scaling)[source]
Update the parameters x by moving to a value (x + scaling * dx)
- Parameters:
x – dictionary with parameter values for initial point
dx – dictionary with parameter variations (can be a subset of the parameters in x)
scaling – the scaling to apply to dx
- Return x_prime:
parameter space point x + scaling * dx
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform.precessing_approximant(approximant)[source]
Function to check whether a given approximant supports in-plane spins and therefore generates precessing waveforms.
- Parameters:
approximant – the approximant generator to use
- Return prec:
boolean which is True if waveform supports precession
simple_pe.waveforms.waveform_modes module
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform_modes.calculate_alpha_lm_and_overlaps(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, ifo_psd, f_low, approximant, modes, dominant_mode='22', spin1x=0.0, spin1y=0.0, spin2x=0.0, spin2y=0.0)[source]
Calculate the higher harmonic waveforms for given set of modes. Return waveforms and parts orthogonal to the (2,2)
- mass1: float
- mass2: float
- spin1z: float
- spin2z: float
- ifo_psd: pycbc.Frequency_Series
PSD to use when orthogonalizing
- f_low: float
low frequency cutoff
- approximant: str
waveform to use
- modes: list
modes to consider
- dominant_mode: str
mode to use when orthogonalizing
- spin1x: float
spin1x (optional)
- spin1y: float
spin1y (optional)
- spin2x: float
spin2x (optional)
- spin2y: float
spin2y (optional)
- alpha_lm: dict
relative amplitudes of modes
- overlap_lm: dict
overlap of lm with 22
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform_modes.calculate_hm_multipoles(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, ifo_psd, f_low, approximant, modes, dominant_mode='22', spin1x=0.0, spin1y=0.0, spin2x=0.0, spin2y=0.0)[source]
Calculate the higher harmonic waveforms for given set of modes. Return waveforms and parts orthogonal to the (2,2)
- mass1: float
mass of primary
- mass2: float
mass of secondary
- spin1z: float
z-component of primary spin
- spin2z: float
z-component of primary spin
- ifo_psd: psd
to use when orthogonalizing
- f_low: float
low frequency cutoff
- approximant: str
waveform to use
- modes: list
modes to consider
- dominant_mode: str
mode to use when orthogonalizing, default is 22 mode
- spin1x: float
- spin1y: float
- spin2x: float
- spin2y: float
- h: dict
normalized waveform modes
- h_perp: dict
orthonormalized waveform modes
- sigmas: dict
waveform normalizations
- zetas: dict
complex overlap with dominant mode
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform_modes.calculate_mode_snr(strain_data, ifo_psd, waveform_modes, t_start, t_end, f_low, modes, dominant_mode='22')[source]
Calculate the SNR in each of the modes. This is done by finding time of the peak SNR for the dominant mode, and then calculating the SNR of other modes at that time.
- strain_data: pycbc.Time_Series
the ifo data
- ifo_psd: pycbc.Frequency_Series
PSD for ifo
- waveform_modes: dict
dictionary of waveform modes (time/frequency series)
- t_start: float
beginning of time window to look for SNR peak
- t_end: float
end of time window to look for SNR peak
- f_low: float
low frequency cutoff
- modes: list
the modes to calculate SNR for
- dominant_mode: str
mode that is used to define the peak time
- z: dict
dictionary of complex SNRs for each mode
- t: float
the time of the max SNR
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform_modes.mode_array(mode, approx)[source]
Return the mode array for a given approximant. This returns either the mode or the positive and negative m modes, depending upon the approximant
- mode: str
the mode of interest
- approx: str
the waveform approximant
- mode_array: list
list of modes corresponding to desired mode
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform_modes.network_mode_snr(z, ifos, modes, dominant_mode='22')[source]
Calculate the Network SNR in each of the specified modes. For the dominant mode, this is simply the root sum square of the snrs in each ifo. For the other modes, we calculate both the rss SNR and the network SNR which requires the relative phase between ifos is consistent with the dominant.
- z: dict
dictionary of dictionaries of SNRs in each mode (in each ifo)
- ifos: list
A list of ifos to use
- modes: list
A list of modes to use
- dominant_mode: str
the mode with most power (for orthogonalization)
- rss_snr: dict
the root sum squared SNR in each mode
- net_snr: dict
the SNR in each mode that is consistent (in amplitude and phase) with the dominant mode SNR
- simple_pe.waveforms.waveform_modes.orthonormalize_modes(h, ifo_psd, f_low, modes, dominant_mode='22')[source]
Orthonormalize a set of waveforms for a given PSD Return normalized waveforms orthogonal to the dominant mode, sigmas and (complex) overlaps of original waveforms
- h: dict
dictionary of waveform modes
- ifo_psd: pycbc.Frequency_Series
PSD to use for orthonormalization
- f_low: float
low frequency cutoff
- modes: list
modes to consider
- dominant_mode: str
mode to use for orthonormalization
h_perp: dict orthonormalized waveforms sigmas: dict
waveform normalizations, pre-orthogonalization
- zetas: dict
complex overlap with dominant mode