Localization package
simple_pe.localization.event module
- class simple_pe.localization.event.Event(dist, ra, dec, phi, psi, cosi, mchirp, t_gps)[source]
Class to hold the details of the event. This contains the sky location, orientation, mass of the event. The Event class can also have details of the active GW network, including the detectors, sensivitities and SNRs added. These can be used to calculate the localization of the event.
- add_network(network)[source]
Calculate the sensitivities and SNRs for the various detectors in network
- network: network.Network
an object containing details of the network
- alpha_net(mirror=False)[source]
Get the relative network sensitivity to the second polarization
- mirror: boolean
indicating whether we are considering the mirror location
- float
value of alpha_network
- calculate_sensitivity()[source]
Calculate the network sensitivity to the event, given the sky location and masses.
- combined_loc(method)[source]
Calculate the area from original and mirror locations for the given method
- method: str
localization method to use
- classmethod from_params(params)[source]
Give a set of parameters, as used in the first 2 years paper, and use these to initialize an event
- params: dict
parameters in form used by first 2 years paper
- classmethod from_snrs(net, snrs, times, mchirp, ra=None, dec=None)[source]
Give a network with SNR and time in each detector and use this to populate the event information. If ra and dec are provided, they are used. If not, then sky location is inferred from the time of arrival in different detectors. For fewer than 3 detectors, sky location is chosen arbitrarily among possible points.
- net: network.Network
a network with SNR and time for each detector
- snrs: dict
the complex snr in each detector
- times: dict
the time in each detector
- mchirp: float
the chirp mass of the event
- ra: float
the right ascenscion of the source (optional)
- dec: float
the declination of the source (optional)
- get_data(data)[source]
Get the relevant data for each detector and return it as an array
- data: str
string giving name of data field
- np.array
with the data (for all ifos)
- get_f(mirror=False)[source]
Get the network sensitivity to plus and cross in dominant polarization
- mirror: boolean
indicating whether we are considering the mirror location
- np.array
length 2 array containing F_+, F_x response
- get_fsig(mirror=False)[source]
Get F_plus/F_cross multiplied by sigma (sensitivity) for each detector
- mirror: boolean
indicating whether we are considering the mirror location
- np.array
with the sensitivities of the detectors
- get_snr(dt_i=None)[source]
Calculate the snr for each detector at the requested time offset
- dt_i: np.array
time shift to be applied in each detector
- np.array
the complex snr for each detector
- localization_factors(method, mirror=False)[source]
Calculate all the localization factors for a given source and network of detectors, given the complex snr, sensitivity, bandwidth, mean frequency, location of the detectors. Definition of terms given in equations (B.5) and (B.6) of “Localization of transient gravitational wave sources: beyond triangulation”, Class. Quantum Grav. 35 (2018) 105002.
- method: string
localization method to use
- mirror: boolean
indicating whether we are considering the mirror location
- b_i: np.array
the localization factor B_i (equation (B.5))
- c_ij: np.array
the localization matrix C_ij (equation (B.6))
- c_i: np.array
the localization factor c_i (equation (B.17))
- c: float
the localization factor c (equation (B.17))
- localize(method, mirror=False, p=0.9)[source]
Calculate localization of source at given probability with chosen method
- method: str
localization method to use
- mirror: boolean
indicating whether we are considering the mirror location
p: float probability region to calculate (default 0.9)
- localize_all(p=0.9, methods=None)[source]
Calculate localization with given set of methods.
- p: float
probability region to calculate
- methods: list
A list of localization methods to use from ‘time’, ‘coh’, ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘marg’. Default is to calculate all.
- marg_loc(mirror=False, p=0.9)[source]
Calculate the marginalized localization. Method described in “Localization of transient gravitational wave sources: beyond triangulation”, Class. Quantum Grav. 35 (2018).
- mirror: boolean
indicating whether we are considering the mirror location
- p: float
probability region to calculate (default=0.9)
- projected_snr(method, mirror=False, dt_i=None)[source]
Calculate the projected SNR for a given method at either original or mirror sky location
- method: str
localization method to use
- mirror: boolean
indicating whether we are considering the mirror location
dt_i: time shift to be applied in each detector
- np.array
the complex snr for each detector
- simple_pe.localization.event.f(r, keys, localization, p)[source]
Function used in marginalization of localizations TODO: Fix documentation, and check if this function is used
- r: float
- keys: list
the different localization methods to consider
- localization: loc.Localization
object storing localization information
- p: float
- float
- simple_pe.localization.event.snr_projection(f_sig, method)[source]
Function to calculate the SNR projection matrix p for a given set of detector responses, f_sig
- f_sig: array
a Nx2 array of detector responses [F+, Fx] x sigma
- method: str
the way we project (one of “time”, “coh”, “left”, “right”)
- p: array
SNR projection matrix
simple_pe.localization.loc module
- class simple_pe.localization.loc.Localization(method, event, mirror=False, p=0.9, d_max=1000, area=0)[source]
class to hold the details and results of localization based on a given method
- approx_like(d_max=1000)[source]
Calculate the approximate likelihood, based on equations A.18 and A.29 from “Localization of transient gravitational wave sources: beyond triangulation”, Class. Quantum Grav. 35 (2018) 105002.
- d_max: float
maximum distance, used for normalization
- calc_area()[source]
Calculate the localization area using equations (12) and (15) of “Source localization with an advanced gravitational wave detector network”, DOI 10.1088/0264-9381/28/10/10502
- calculate_dt_0(dt_i)[source]
Calculate the overall time offset at a point offset from the source point by dt_i that maximizes the overall SNR
- dt_i: np.array
The time offsets at which to evaluate the SNR
- dt_0: float
The overall time offset that maximizes the SNR
- calculate_m()[source]
Calculate the localization matrix as given in “Localization of transient gravitational wave sources: beyond triangulation”, Class. Quantum Grav. 35 (2018) 105002 this is a generalization of the timing based localization
- calculate_max_snr()[source]
Calculate the maximum SNR nearby the given point. For this, calculate the localization factors and the SNR projection and see whether there is a higher network SNR at a nearby point. For timing, the peak will be at the initial point, but for coherent or left/right circular polarizations, the peak can be offset.
- calculate_snr(dt_i)[source]
Calculate the SNR at a point offset from the source point dt_i is an array of time offsets for the detectors Note: we maximize over the overall time offset dt_0. If the time offsets are too large to trust the leading order approximation, then return the original SNR
- dt_i: np.array
The time offsets at which to evaluate the SNR
- z: np.array
The individual SNRs at the offset time, consistent with a signal (either coherent or left/right circular)
- snr: float
the network SNR consistent with a signal
- generate_loc_grid(npts=10, scale=1.0)[source]
Generate a grid of points with extent governed by the localization
- npts: int
number of points in each dimension of the grid
- scale: float
factor by which to scale grid, relative to default given by the localization eigenvectors
- grid_points: np.array
containing a grid of points (theta and phi)
- generate_samples(npts=100000, sky_weight=True)[source]
Generate a set of samples based on Gaussian distribution in localization eigendirections
- npts: int
number of points to generate
- sky_weight: bool
weight points to be uniform on the sky, rather than uniform over the localization ellipse
samples: phi, theta samples
- make_ellipse(npts=101, scale=1.0)[source]
Generate points that lie on the localization ellipse
- npts: int
number of points
- scale: float
factor by which to scale the ellipse. Default (scaling of 1) is to use the probability stored in the localization.
- points: np.array
a set of points marking the boundary of the localization ellipse the points are projected onto the sky (so in theta/phi coordinates)
- simple_pe.localization.loc.evec_sigma(m)[source]
Calculate the eigenvalues and vectors of the localization matrix M. sigma is defined as the reciprocal of the square-root eigenvalue. Definitions from “Triangulation of gravitational wave sources with a network of detectors”, New J. Phys. 11 123006.
- m: np.array
square matrix for which we calculate the eigen-vectors and sigmas
- evec: np.array
An array of eigenvectors of M, giving principal directions for localization
- sigma: np.array
localization accuracy along eigen-directions.
- simple_pe.localization.loc.project_to_sky(x, y, event_xyz, gmst, evec, ellipse=False, sky_weight=False)[source]
Project a set of points onto the sky.
- x: np.array
x coordinates of points (relative to sky location)
- y: np.array
y coordinate of points (relative to sky location)
- event_xyz: np.array
xyz location of event
- gmst: float
gmst of event
- evec: np.array
localization eigenvectors
- ellipse: bool
is this an ellipse
- sky_weight: bool
re-weight to uniform on sky
- phi: np.array
phi coordinate of points
- theta: np.array
theta coordinate of points
simple_pe.localization.sky module
- simple_pe.localization.sky.CartesianToSpherical(x, system='equatorial')[source]
Convert 3-tuple Cartesian sky position x to SkyPosition object in the given system
- simple_pe.localization.sky.CircularGrid(resolution, radius)[source]
Generates a SkyPositionTable of circular grids around the North Pole with given angular resolution and a maximal radius.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.ConvertSkyPosition(skyPoint, system, zenith=None, gpstime=None)[source]
Convert the SkyPosition object skyPoint from it’s current system to the new system.
Valid systems are : ‘horizon’, ‘geographic’, ‘equatorial’, ‘ecliptic’, ‘galactic’
SkyPosition zenith and gpstime should be given as appropriate for ‘horizon’ and ‘geographic’ conversions respectively.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.EclipticToEquatorial(input)[source]
Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited ‘eliptic’ system to to ‘equatorial’.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.EquatorialToEcliptic(input)[source]
Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited ‘equatorial’ system to to ‘ecliptic’.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.EquatorialToGalactic(input)[source]
Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited ‘equatorial’ system to to ‘galactic’.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.EquatorialToGeographic(input, gpstime)[source]
Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited ‘equatorial’ system to to ‘geographic’.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.GeographicToEquatorial(input, gpstime)[source]
Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited ‘geographical’ system to to ‘equatorial’.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.HorizonToSystem(input, zenith)[source]
Convert the SkyPosition object input from ‘horizon’ to the inherited system using the SkyPosition zenith
- simple_pe.localization.sky.ISOTimeDelayLine(ifos, ra, dec, gpstime=None, n=3)[source]
Returns the n-point SkyPositionTable describing a line of constant time delay through the given ra and dec. for the given 2-tuple ifos.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.MaxTimeDelayLine(ifos, ra, dec, gpstime=None, n=3)[source]
Return the n-point SkyPositionTable describing the line perpendicular to the line of constant time delay through the given ra and dec for the 2-tuple ifos.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.MaxTimeDelayLine3(ifo1, ifo2, ra, dec, gpstime=None, n=3)[source]
Alternative implementation of MaxTimeDelayLine.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.SkyPatch(ifos, ra, dec, radius, gpstime, dt=0.0005, sigma=1.65, grid='circular')[source]
Returns a SkyPositionTable of circular rings emanating from a given central ra and dec. out to the maximal radius.
- class simple_pe.localization.sky.SkyPosition[source]
- get_time_delay(ifo1, ifo2, gpstime)[source]
Return the time delay for this SkyPosition between arrival at ifo1 relative to ifo2, for the given gpstime.
- latitude
- longitude
- normalize()[source]
Normalize this SkyPosition to be within standard limits [0 <= longitude < 2pi] and [-pi < latitude <= pi]
- opening_angle(other)[source]
Calcalate the opening angle between this SkyPosition and the other SkyPosition
- probability
- process_id
- solid_angle
- system
- class simple_pe.localization.sky.SkyPositionTable(attrs=None)[source]
ligo.lw.table.Table holding SkyPosition objects.
- tableName = 'sky_positions:table'
- valid_columns = {'latitude': 'real_4', 'longitude': 'real_4', 'probability': 'real_4', 'process_id': 'ilwd:char', 'solid_angle': 'real_4', 'system': 'lstring'}
- simple_pe.localization.sky.SphericalToCartesian(skyPoint)[source]
Convert SkyPosition object into Cartesian 3-vector
- simple_pe.localization.sky.SystemToHorizon(input, zenith)[source]
Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited system to ‘horizon’ using the SkyPosition zenith
- simple_pe.localization.sky.ThreeSiteSkyGrid(ifos, gpstime, dt=0.0005, tiling='square', sky='half')[source]
Generates a SkyPositionTable for a three-site all-sky grid, covering either a hemisphere (sky=’half’) or full sphere (sky=’full’), using either ‘square’ or ‘hexagonal tiling.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.TwoSiteSkyGrid(ifos, gpstime, dt=0.0005, sky='half', point=None)[source]
Generates a SkyPositionTable for a two-site all-sky grid, covering either a hemisphere (sky=’half’) or full sphere (sky=’full’).
The grid can be forced to pass through the given SkyPosition point if required.
- simple_pe.localization.sky.fromfile(fobj, loncol=0, latcol=1, probcol=None, angcol=None, system=None, degrees=False)[source]
Returns a SkyPositionTable as read from the file object fobj.
simple_pe.localization.sky_loc module
- simple_pe.localization.sky_loc.chisq_loc(t_phi_theta, t_i, d_i, f_band_i)[source]
Calculate expression (A.3) from 2nd localization paper
- Param:
t_phi_theta: the time of arrival and (phi, theta) for source location
- Param:
t_i: array with times of arrival in each detector
- Param:
d_i: matrix with locations of detectors
- Param:
f_band_i: array with bandwidths in each detector
- simple_pe.localization.sky_loc.localization_from_timing(ifos, arrival_times, bandwidths)[source]
Calculate RA and dec based upon time of arrival in a network of ifos
- Param:
ifos: list of ifos
- Param:
arrival_times: dictionary of arrival times in different ifos
- Param:
bandwidths: dictionary of signal bandwidth in each ifo
- Return ra:
the right ascension of the signal
- Return dec:
the declination of the signal