Source code for simple_pe.waveforms.waveform
import numpy as np
import lal
import copy
import lalsimulation
from lalsimulation import (
SimInspiralFD, SimInspiralCreateModeArray, SimInspiralModeArrayActivateMode,
SimInspiralWaveformParamsInsertModeArray, GetApproximantFromString,
from pycbc.types import FrequencySeries
from simple_pe.waveforms import parameter_bounds, waveform_modes, eccentric
from import conversions
def precessing_approximant(approximant):
Function to check whether a given approximant supports in-plane spins and
therefore generates precessing waveforms.
:param approximant: the approximant generator to use
:return prec: boolean which is True if waveform supports precession
_approx = getattr(lalsimulation, approximant)
spin = SimInspiralGetSpinSupportFromApproximant(_approx)
if spin > 2:
return True
return False
def make_waveform(params, df, f_low, flen, approximant="IMRPhenomD",
return_hc=False, modes=None,
This function makes a waveform for the given parameters and
returns h_plus generated at value x.
:param params: SimplePESamples with parameter values for waveform generation
:param df: frequency spacing of points
:param f_low: low frequency cutoff
:param flen: length of the frequency domain array to generate
:param approximant: the approximant generator to use
:param return_hc: flag to choose to return cross polarization (only non-precessing)
:param modes: the modes to generate (only for non-precessing)
:param harm2: generate the 2-harmonics
:return h_plus: waveform at parameter space point x
for k, i in params.items():
if not hasattr(i, '__len__'):
params[k] = [i]
from import SimplePESamples
x = SimplePESamples(params)
if 'phase' not in x.keys():
x['phase'] = np.zeros_like(list(x.values())[0])
if 'f_ref' not in x.keys():
x['f_ref'] = f_low * np.ones_like(list(x.values())[0])
if modes is None:
modes = waveform_modes.mode_array('22', approximant)
if 'chi' in x.keys() and 'tilt' in x.keys():
x['chi_p'] = x['chi'] * np.sin(x['tilt'])
x['chi_align'] = x['chi'] * np.cos(x['tilt'])
prec = "chi_p" if "chi_p" in x.keys() else "chi_p2"
if (prec in x.keys()) and x[prec]:
# generate the leading harmonic of the precessing waveform
if 'tilt_1' in x.keys() and np.mod(x['tilt_1'], np.pi):
x.generate_all_posterior_samples(f_low=f_low, f_ref=x["f_ref"][0],
delta_f=df, disable_remnant=True)
if harm2:
harmonics = [0, 1]
harmonics = [0]
# only works for FD approximants
h_plus = conversions.snr._calculate_precessing_harmonics(
x["mass_1"][0], x["mass_2"][0], x["a_1"][0], x["a_2"][0],
x["tilt_1"][0], x["tilt_2"][0], x["phi_12"][0],
x["beta"][0], x["distance"][0], harmonics=harmonics,
approx=approximant, mode_array=modes, df=df, f_low=f_low,
except Exception:
h_plus = conversions.snr._calculate_precessing_harmonics(
x["mass_1"][0], x["mass_2"][0], x["a_1"][0], x["a_2"][0],
x["tilt_1"][0], x["tilt_2"][0], x["phi_12"][0],
x["beta"][0], x["distance"][0], harmonics=harmonics,
approx="IMRPhenomPv2", mode_array=modes, df=df, f_low=f_low,
if return_hc:
print('return_hc not available for precessing system')
for k, h in h_plus.items():
if not harm2:
return h_plus[0]
return h_plus
elif approximant == "teobresums":
if ('spin_1z' not in x.keys()) or ('spin_2z' not in x.keys()):
x.generate_all_posterior_samples(f_low=f_low, f_ref=x["f_ref"][0],
delta_f=df, disable_remnant=True)
h_plus, h_cross = eccentric.generate_eccentric_waveform(x, df, f_low,
if return_hc:
return h_plus, h_cross
return h_plus
if ('spin_1z' not in x.keys()) or ('spin_2z' not in x.keys()):
if "inc" not in x.keys():
x["inc"] = 0.
x.generate_all_posterior_samples(f_low=f_low, f_ref=x["f_ref"][0],
delta_f=df, disable_remnant=True)
waveform_dictionary = lal.CreateDict()
mode_array_lal = SimInspiralCreateModeArray()
for mode in modes:
SimInspiralModeArrayActivateMode(mode_array_lal, mode[0], mode[1])
if isinstance(x["mass_1"], list):
m1 = x["mass_1"][0]
m1 = x["mass_1"]
if isinstance(x["mass_2"], list):
m2 = x["mass_2"][0]
m2 = x["mass_2"]
if "eccentricity" in x.keys():
if isinstance(x["eccentricity"], list):
ecc = x["eccentricity"][0]
ecc = x["eccentricity"]
elif "ecc2" in x.keys():
if isinstance(x["ecc2"], list):
ecc = x["ecc2"][0]**0.5
ecc = x["ecc2"]**0.5
ecc = 0.
args = [
m1 * lal.MSUN_SI, m2 * lal.MSUN_SI, 0., 0.,
x["spin_1z"], 0., 0., x["spin_2z"], x['distance'] * 1e6 * lal.PC_SI,
x["inc"], 0., 0., ecc, 0., df, f_low, 2048., x['f_ref']
args = [float(arg) for arg in args]
hp, hc = SimInspiralFD(
*args, waveform_dictionary, GetApproximantFromString(approximant)
dt = 1 / hp.deltaF + (hp.epoch.gpsSeconds + hp.epoch.gpsNanoSeconds * 1e-9)
time_shift = np.exp(
-1j * 2 * np.pi * dt * np.array(range(len([:]))) * hp.deltaF
)[:] *= time_shift[:] *= time_shift
h_plus = FrequencySeries([:], delta_f=hp.deltaF, epoch=hp.epoch)
h_cross = FrequencySeries([:], delta_f=hc.deltaF, epoch=hc.epoch)
if return_hc:
return h_plus, h_cross
return h_plus
def offset_params(x, dx, scaling):
Update the parameters x by moving to a value (x + scaling * dx)
:param x: dictionary with parameter values for initial point
:param dx: dictionary with parameter variations (can be a subset of the parameters in x)
:param scaling: the scaling to apply to dx
:return x_prime: parameter space point x + scaling * dx
x_prime = copy.deepcopy(x)
for k, dx_val in dx.items():
if k not in x_prime:
print("Value for %s not given at initial point" % k)
return -1
x_prime[k] += float(scaling * dx_val)
return x_prime
def make_offset_waveform(x, dx, scaling, df, f_low, flen,
approximant="IMRPhenomD", harm2=False):
This function makes a waveform for the given parameters and
returns h_plus generated at value (x + scaling * dx).
:param x: dictionary with parameter values for initial point
:param dx: dictionary with parameter variations
(can be a subset of the parameters in x)
:param scaling: the scaling to apply to dx
:param df: frequency spacing of points
:param f_low: low frequency cutoff
:param flen: length of the frequency domain array to generate
:param approximant: the approximant generator to use
:param harm2: generate the 2-harmonics
:return h_plus: waveform at parameter space point x + scaling * dx
h_plus = make_waveform(offset_params(x, dx, scaling), df, f_low, flen,
approximant, harm2=harm2)
return h_plus
def check_physical(x, dx, scaling, maxs=None, mins=None, verbose=False):
A function to check whether the point described by the positions x + dx is
physically permitted. If not, rescale and return the scaling factor
:param x: dictionary with parameter values for initial point
:param dx: dictionary with parameter variations
:param scaling: the scaling to apply to dx
:param maxs: a dictionary with the maximum permitted values of the physical parameters
:param mins: a dictionary with the minimum physical values of the physical parameters
:param verbose: print logging messages
:return alpha: the scaling factor required to make x + scaling * dx physically permissible
if mins is None:
mins = parameter_bounds.param_mins
if maxs is None:
maxs = parameter_bounds.param_maxs
x0 = offset_params(x, dx, 0.)
if verbose:
print('initial point')
x_prime = offset_params(x, dx, scaling)
if verbose:
print('proposed point')
alpha = 1.
if ('chi_p' in x_prime.keys()) or ('chi_p2' in x_prime.keys()):
if ('chi_p2' in x_prime.keys()) and (x_prime['chi_p2'] < mins['chi_p2']):
alpha = min(alpha, (x0['chi_p2'] - mins['chi_p2']) / (x0['chi_p2'] - x_prime['chi_p2']))
x_prime['chi_p2'][0] = mins['chi_p2']
if verbose:
print("scaling to %.2f in direction %s" % (alpha, 'chi_p2'))
for k, dx_val in x0.items():
if k in mins.keys() and x_prime[k] < mins[k]:
alpha = min(alpha, (x0[k] - mins[k]) / (x0[k] - x_prime[k]))
if verbose:
print("scaling to %.2f in direction %s" % (alpha, k))
if k in maxs.keys() and x_prime[k] > maxs[k]:
alpha = min(alpha, (maxs[k] - x0[k]) / (x_prime[k] - x0[k]))
if verbose:
print("scaling to %.2f in direction %s" % (alpha, k))
# if varying 'chi_p2' need to double-check we don't go over limits
if 'chi_p2' in dx.keys() and (scaling * dx['chi_p2']):
chia = "chi_eff" if "chi_eff" in x0.keys() else "chi_align"
# need find alpha s.t. (chi + alpha dchi)^2 + chi_p2 + alpha dchi_p2 = max_spin^2
c = x0[chia] ** 2 + x0['chi_p2'] - maxs['a_1']**2
dcp2 = scaling * dx['chi_p2']
if chia in dx.keys() and dx[chia]:
dchi = scaling * dx[chia]
a = dchi ** 2
b = 2 * x0[chia] * dchi + dcp2
alpha_prec = (-b + np.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)
# not changing aligned spin, so easier
# chi^2 + chi_p2 + alpha dchi_p2 = max_spin^2
# if dchi_p2 < 0 then bound is positivity of chi_p2, else alpha = -c/dcp2
if dcp2 < 0:
# chi_p2 + alpha dchi_p2 = mins['chi_p2']
alpha_prec = (mins['chi_p2'] - x0['chi_p2']) /dcp2
alpha_prec = -c / dcp2
if verbose:
print("scaling to %.2f for precession" % alpha_prec)
alpha = min(alpha, alpha_prec)
if verbose:
x_prime = offset_params(x, dx, alpha * scaling)
print('new point')
return alpha