Source code for simple_pe.likelihood.likelihood_hm

from __future__ import division
from numpy import *
import numpy

# import math functions that will be called with floats, rather than arrays, with the math module
# as it is faster for floats.
from math import cos, sin, tan, sqrt
from scipy import special
from scipy.integrate import quad
import pylab
from simple_pe.fstat import fstat_hm as fstat

t = lambda iota: tan(iota / 2.0)
sqri33 = lambda iota: sin(iota / 2.0) * cos(iota / 2.0) ** 5
sqri3m3 = lambda iota: 1 / 2.0 * sin(iota / 2.0) ** 4 * sin(iota)
sqri21 = lambda iota: 1 / 2.0 * sin(iota) * (cos(iota) + 1)
sqri2m1 = lambda iota: sin(iota / 2.0) ** 2 * sin(iota)
sqri32 = lambda iota: cos(iota / 2.0) ** 4 * (3 * cos(iota) - 2)
sqri3m2 = lambda iota: sin(iota / 2.0) ** 4 * (3 * cos(iota) + 2)
sqri43 = lambda iota: sin(iota / 2.0) * cos(iota / 2.0) ** 5 * (1 - 2 * cos(iota))
sqri4m3 = lambda iota: sin(iota / 2.0) ** 5 * cos(iota / 2.0) * (2 * cos(iota) + 1)

amp = {
    "22+": lambda iota: (cos(iota) ** 2 + 1) / 2.0,
    "22x": lambda iota: cos(iota),
    #         '22+' : lambda iota: (1+t(iota)**4) / (1+t(iota)**2)**2,
    # I have inserted a root(2) and 4/3. factor for the 44+ and 44x respectively,
    # corresponding to the recipricol amplitude of each at the reference iota where
    # the sigma_44 should be calculated --> ref_iota=pi/4.
    # NOOOO do the reciprocal of the plus at the maximum so for the 3,3 this is the value of the plus at 0.95531661
    #     and for the 4,4 at pi/2 (=1).
    "44+": lambda iota: sin(iota) ** 2 * (cos(iota) ** 2 + 1),
    "44x": lambda iota: 2 * sin(iota) ** 2 * cos(iota),
    #         '44x' : lambda iota: 8*(t(iota)**2+t(iota)**6) / (1+t(iota)**2)**4,
    # I have inserted a root(2)*8/3. and 4 factor for the 33+ and 33x respectively,
    # corresponding to the recipricol amplitude of each at the reference iota where
    # the sigma_33 should be calculated --> ref_iota=pi/4.
    #     the reciprocal of the plus at the maximum so for the 3,3 (iota= 0.95531661) is 3.6742346141747673
    "33+": lambda iota: 3.6742346141747673 * (sqri33(iota) + sqri3m3(iota)),
    "33x": lambda iota: 3.6742346141747673 * (sqri33(iota) - sqri3m3(iota)),
    "21+": lambda iota: sqri21(iota) + sqri2m1(iota),
    "21x": lambda iota: sqri21(iota) - sqri2m1(iota),
    "43+": lambda iota: 4 * (sqri43(iota) + sqri4m3(iota)),
    "43x": lambda iota: 4 * (sqri43(iota) - sqri4m3(iota)),
    "32+": lambda iota: sqri32(iota) + sqri3m2(iota),
    "32x": lambda iota: sqri32(iota) - sqri3m2(iota),

[docs] def like_parts_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, psi): """ calculate the two dimensional likelihood, marginalized over phi log-likelihood can be written as: 1/2(ahat^2 - 2*d0/d * f(x, psi) * cos(2phi - phi0) + (d0/d)^2 g(x,psi)) :return: ahat2, f, g :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization """ c2p = cos(2 * psi) s2p = sin(2 * psi) x2 = (1 + x ** 2) / 2 c2phi_fac = ( a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p + a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p ) s2phi_fac = ( -a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p - a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p ) f = sqrt(c2phi_fac ** 2 + s2phi_fac ** 2) g = ( f_plus ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * c2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * x ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x ** 2 * c2p ** 2 ) f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) ahat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * a_hat ** 2) return ahat2, f, g
[docs] def like_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, marg=True): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ ahat2, f, g = like_parts_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, psi) d0 = a_hat[0] # Marginalizing over phi (from zero to 2 pi) gives: # 2 pi i0e(a f) exp(-1/2(ahat^2 - 2 f a + g a^2)) a = d0 / d like = exp(f * a - 0.5 * (ahat2 + g * a ** 2)) if marg: like *= special.i0e(f * a) return like
[docs] def like_22_d_cosi_psi_phi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi): """ Return the un-marginalized likelihood for a 2,2 waveform model. :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param phi: coalescence phase """ ###### for some reason the more compact commented-out code below is slower than ###### the longer older code below. TODO: find out why! Profile the code. # a_temp = fstat.params_to_a(d, x, psi, phi) # fresp2 = array([0, f_plus**2, f_cross**2, f_plus**2, f_cross**2]) # ahat2 = sum(fresp2 * a_hat ** 2) # atemp2 = sum(fresp2 * a_temp ** 2) # ah_at = sum(fresp2 * a_hat*a_temp) # return exp(ah_at - 0.5 * (atemp2 + ahat2)) c2p = cos(2 * psi) s2p = sin(2 * psi) x2 = (1 + x ** 2) / 2 c2phi_fac = ( a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p + a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p ) s2phi_fac = ( -a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p - a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p ) f_22 = cos(2 * phi) * c2phi_fac + sin(2 * phi) * s2phi_fac g_22 = ( f_plus ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * c2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * x ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x ** 2 * c2p ** 2 ) f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) ahat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * a_hat ** 2) d0 = a_hat[0] a_22 = d0 / d like = exp(f_22 * a_22 - 0.5 * (ahat2 + g_22 * a_22 ** 2)) return like
[docs] def like_d_cosi_alpha_33_psi_phi( a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, alpha_33_prime ): """ unmarginalized likelihood over five dimensions for signal model containing 22 and 33 modes. """ L22 = like_22_d_cosi_psi_phi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi) j_temp = fstat.params_to_j(d, x, psi, phi, sigma_33=1) f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) jhat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * j_hat ** 2) jtemp2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * j_temp ** 2) a = 0.5 * jtemp2 b = sum(f_resp ** 2 * j_hat * j_temp) return L22 * 1 * exp(-a * alpha_33_prime ** 2 + b * alpha_33_prime - 0.5 * jhat2)
[docs] def temp_signal_likelihood(a_temp, a_hat, f_resp_2, alpha_hm_prime=1): # f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) ahat2 = sum(f_resp_2 * a_hat ** 2) atemp2 = sum(f_resp_2 * a_temp ** 2) a = 0.5 * atemp2 b = sum(f_resp_2 * a_hat * a_temp) return exp(-a * alpha_hm_prime ** 2 + b * alpha_hm_prime - 0.5 * ahat2)
[docs] def like_d_cosi_alpha_33_alpha_44_psi_phi( a_hat, j_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, alpha_33_prime, alpha_44_prime ): """ unmarginalized likelihood over five dimensions for signal model containing 22, 33 and 44 modes. """ L2233 = like_d_cosi_alpha_33_psi_phi( a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, alpha_33_prime ) g_temp = fstat.params_to_g(d, x, psi, phi, sigma_44=1) f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) ghat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_hat ** 2) gtemp2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_temp ** 2) a = 0.5 * gtemp2 b = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_hat * g_temp) return L2233 * 1 * exp(-a * alpha_44_prime ** 2 + b * alpha_44_prime - 0.5 * ghat2)
[docs] def like_d_cosi_alpha_33_phi(a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, alpha_33_prime): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over psi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ integrand = lambda psi: like_d_cosi_alpha_33_psi_phi( a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, alpha_33_prime ) l = 2 / pi * quad(integrand, 0, pi / 2, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2)[0] return l
[docs] def like_d_cosi_alpha_33_alpha_44_phi( a_hat, j_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, alpha_33_prime, alpha_44_prime ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over psi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :returns: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ integrand = lambda psi: like_d_cosi_alpha_33_alpha_44_psi_phi( a_hat, j_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, alpha_33_prime, alpha_44_prime, ) l = 2 / pi * quad(integrand, 0, pi / 2, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2)[0] return l
[docs] def like_d_cosi_alpha_33( a_hat, j_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, alpha_33_prime, alpha_44_prime ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi and psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) """ l = ( 1 / (2 * pi) * quad( lambda phi: like_d_cosi_alpha_33_phi( a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, alpha_33_prime ), 0, 2 * pi, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2, )[0] ) return l
[docs] def like_d_cosi_alpha_33_alpha_44( a_hat, j_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, alpha_33_prime, alpha_44_prime ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi and psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) """ l = ( 1 / (2 * pi) * quad( lambda phi: like_d_cosi_alpha_33_alpha_44_phi( a_hat, j_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, alpha_33_prime, alpha_44_prime, ), 0, 2 * pi, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2, )[0] ) return l
[docs] def like_d_alpha_33(a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, alpha_33_prime): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both, and cosi with uniform 1/2 prior. :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) """ l = ( 1.0 / 2 * quad( lambda x: like_d_cosi_alpha_33( a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, alpha_33_prime ), -1, 1, epsabs=1e-2, epsrel=1e-4, )[0] ) return l
[docs] def like_d_alpha_33_alpha_44( a_hat, j_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, alpha_33_prime, alpha_44_prime ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both, and cosi with uniform 1/2 prior. :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance """ l = ( 1.0 / 2 * quad( lambda x: like_d_cosi_alpha_33_alpha_44( a_hat, j_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, alpha_33_prime, alpha_44_prime, ), -1, 1, epsabs=1e-2, epsrel=1e-4, )[0] ) return l
[docs] def like_d_cosi_alpha_33_psi_phi_with_noise( a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, alpha_33_prime ): """ unmarginalized likelihood over five dimensions for signal model containing 22 and 33 modes. Containing gaussian noise in the matched filter SNR term that appears in the likelihood. """ f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) ###### 22 ############ a_temp = fstat.params_to_a(d, x, psi, phi) ahat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * a_hat ** 2) atemp2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * a_temp ** 2) ###### 33 ############ j_temp = fstat.params_to_j(d, x, psi, phi, sigma_33=1) jhat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * j_hat ** 2) jtemp2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * j_temp ** 2) * alpha_33_prime ** 2 temp_sigma = sqrt(atemp2 + jtemp2) characteristic_snr = sqrt(ahat2 + jhat2) matched_filter_snr = random.normal(loc=characteristic_snr, scale=1.0) dh = matched_filter_snr * temp_sigma dd = ahat2 + jhat2 hh = atemp2 + jtemp2 return exp(dh - 0.5 * (dd + hh))
[docs] def like_d_cosi_alpha_33_phi_with_noise( a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, alpha_33_prime ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over psi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :returns: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ integrand = lambda psi: like_d_cosi_alpha_33_psi_phi_with_noise( a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, alpha_33_prime ) l = 2 / pi * quad(integrand, 0, pi / 2, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2)[0] return l
[docs] def like_d_cosi_alpha_33_with_noise( a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, alpha_33_prime ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi and psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) """ l = ( 1 / (2 * pi) * quad( lambda phi: like_d_cosi_alpha_33_phi_with_noise( a_hat, j_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, alpha_33_prime ), 0, 2 * pi, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2, )[0] ) return l
[docs] def like_d_cosi_alpha_44_psi_phi( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, alpha_44_prime, k=256 ): """ unmarginalized likelihood over five dimensions for signal model containing 22 and 44 modes. """ L22 = like_22_d_cosi_psi_phi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi) g_temp = fstat.params_to_g(d, x, psi, phi, sigma_44=1) f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) ghat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_hat ** 2) gtemp2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_temp ** 2) a = 0.5 * gtemp2 # using a prior k*e^(-k*alpha_44). k is fit to the expected dist of alpha_44 for a salpeter population -->256 if k: b = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_hat * g_temp) - k return ( L22 * k * exp(-a * alpha_44_prime ** 2 + b * alpha_44_prime - 0.5 * ghat2) ) else: b = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_hat * g_temp) return ( L22 * 1 * exp(-a * alpha_44_prime ** 2 + b * alpha_44_prime - 0.5 * ghat2) )
[docs] def like_cosi_alpha_44_psi_phi( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, psi, phi, alpha_44_prime, d_max, k=256 ): """ Likelihood marginalized over distance using 3/d_max**3 d**2 dd prior. Currently no prior on alpha_44 (k exponential) is implemented. """ a_temp = fstat.params_to_a(1, x, psi, phi) g_temp = fstat.params_to_g(1, x, psi, phi, alpha_44_prime) fresp2 = array([0, f_plus ** 2, f_cross ** 2, f_plus ** 2, f_cross ** 2]) ahat2 = sum(fresp2 * a_hat ** 2) ghat2 = sum(fresp2 * g_hat ** 2) atemp2 = sum(fresp2 * a_temp ** 2) gtemp2 = sum(fresp2 * g_temp ** 2) ah_at = sum(fresp2 * a_hat * a_temp) gh_gt = sum(fresp2 * g_hat * g_temp) b = 0.5 * (atemp2 + gtemp2) a = ah_at + gh_gt like = ( 3 / d_max ** 3 * sqrt(pi) / 2 * exp(a / d_max - b / d_max ** 2 - 0.5 * (ghat2 + ahat2)) / sqrt(4 * b) * special.erfcx((2 * b - a * d_max) / (d_max * sqrt(4 * b))) ) return like
[docs] def like_cosi_alpha_44_phi( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, phi, alpha_44_prime, d_max ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over d and psi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ integrand = lambda psi: like_cosi_alpha_44_psi_phi( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, psi, phi, alpha_44_prime, d_max ) l = 2 / pi * quad(integrand, 0, pi / 2, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2)[0] return l
[docs] def like_cosi_alpha_44(a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, alpha_44_prime, d_max=1000): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi and psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) """ l = ( 1 / (2 * pi) * quad( lambda phi: like_cosi_alpha_44_phi( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, phi, alpha_44_prime, d_max ), 0, 2 * pi, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2, )[0] ) return l
[docs] def like_marg_over_alpha_44_psi_phi( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, alpha_44_hat, marg ): """ to be used by below function int_0^inf L22*k*exp(-a alpha_44^2 + b alpha_44) dalpha44 = L22 * k * sqrt(pi) * exp(b**2/(4*a)) * ( erf(b/(2*sqrt(a))) + 1 ) / (2*sqrt(a)) ---the last line can be re-written using the complementary error function, cerf=1-erf, and we can use the exponentially scaled version to prevent rounding errors. AND must add the data ghat2 factor to normalize. """ L22 = like_22_d_cosi_psi_phi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi) g_temp = fstat.params_to_g(d, x, psi, phi, sigma_44=1) # using a prior k*e^(-k*alpha_44). k is fit to the expected dist of alpha_44 for a salpeter population k = 256 # k=0 f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) ghat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_hat ** 2) gtemp2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_temp ** 2) a = 0.5 * gtemp2 b = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_hat * g_temp) - k # b = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_hat*g_temp) s4a = sqrt(4 * a) marg_like = L22 * k * exp(-0.5 * ghat2) * sqrt(pi) / s4a * special.erfcx(-b / s4a) # marg_like = L22 * 1 * exp(-0.5*ghat2) * sqrt(pi)/s4a * special.erfcx(-b/s4a) return marg_like
# FIXME: change the 1 below back to a k after debugging (and uncomment -k above) # if marg: # marg_like = L22 * 1 * exp(-0.5*ghat2) * sqrt(pi)/s4a * special.erfcx(-b/s4a) # return marg_like # else: return L22 * 1 * exp(-a*alpha_44_hat**2+b*alpha_44_hat - 0.5*ghat2)
[docs] def like_marg_over_alpha_44_phi( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, alpha_44_hat, marg ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over psi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ integrand = lambda psi: like_marg_over_alpha_44_psi_phi( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, alpha_44_hat, marg ) l = 2 / pi * quad(integrand, 0, pi / 2, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2)[0] return l
[docs] def like_marg_over_alpha_44( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, alpha_44_hat, marg=True ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi and psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) """ l = ( 1 / (2 * pi) * quad( lambda phi: like_marg_over_alpha_44_phi( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, alpha_44_hat, marg ), 0, 2 * pi, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2, )[0] ) return l
# def like_marg_over_alpha_44(a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, alpha_44_prime, alpha_44_max = 0.5): # ''' # Return likelhood marginalized over alpha_44 assuming a uniform prior between 0 and alpha_max # FixME: an exponential prior would be nicer and should be doable, look into it. # ''' # a, b, c = like_marg_over_alpha_44_parts(a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, alpha_44_prime) # twosqrta = 2*sqrt(a) # marg_like = (exp(b**2/(4*a)) * sqrt(pi) * (erf(b/(twosqrta)) \ # + erf( (-b + 2*a*c)/(twosqrta) ) ) ) / (twosqrta) # return marg_like * exp(a) # check what is left after marginalization - i.e. # # what the exp(a) factor actually is.
[docs] def like_d_cosi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi and psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) """ l = ( 2 / pi * quad(lambda p: like_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, p), 0, pi / 2.0)[ 0 ] ) return l
[docs] def like_d(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both, and cosi with uniform 1/2 prior. :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance """ l = ( 1.0 / 2 * quad( lambda x: like_d_cosi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x), -1, 1, epsabs=1e-2, epsrel=1e-4, )[0] ) return l
[docs] def like_d_cosi_phi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, marg=True): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over psi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ ahat2, f, g = like_parts_d_cosi_phi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, phi) d0 = a_hat[0] # Marginalizing over psi (from zero to 2 pi) gives: # 2 pi i0e(a f) exp(-1/2(ahat^2 - 2 f a + g a^2)) a = d0 / d like = exp(f * a - 0.5 * (ahat2 + g * a ** 2)) if marg: like *= special.i0e(f * a) return like
[docs] def like_d_cosi_2(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ integrand = lambda phi: like_d_cosi_phi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi) l = 1 / (pi) * quad(integrand, 0, pi)[0] return l
############################# likelihood of waveform containing 22 and 44 modes ######################
[docs] def l4422_parts_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi): """ calculate the two dimensional likelihood, marginalized over phi log-likelihood can be written as: 1/2(ahat^2 - 2*d0/d * f(x, psi) * cos(2phi - phi0) + (d0/d)^2 g(x,psi)) :return: ahat2, f, g :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization """ ########################### 22 mode ##################### c2p = cos(2 * psi) s2p = sin(2 * psi) x2 = (1 + x ** 2) / 2 c2phi_fac = ( a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p + a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p ) s2phi_fac = ( -a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p - a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p ) # weight = sqrt(c2phi_fac ** 2 + s2phi_fac ** 2) f_22 = cos(2 * phi) * c2phi_fac + sin(2 * phi) * s2phi_fac g_22 = ( f_plus ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * c2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * x ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x ** 2 * c2p ** 2 ) f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) ahat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * a_hat ** 2) ########################### 44 mode ##################### iota = arccos(x) sin2 = 1 - x ** 2 gp = amp["44+"](iota) # 2 * sin2 * x2 # gc = amp["44x"](iota) # 2 * sin2 * x # c4phi_fac = ( g_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * gp * c2p + g_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * gp * s2p - g_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * gc * s2p + g_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * gc * c2p ) s4phi_fac = ( -g_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * gc * s2p + g_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * gc * c2p - g_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * gp * c2p - g_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * gp * s2p ) # weight = sqrt(c2phi_fac ** 2 + s2phi_fac ** 2) f_44 = cos(4 * phi) * c4phi_fac + sin(4 * phi) * s4phi_fac ######## THINK: should the g factor be changed to incorporate phi not equal to zero?? ####### # maybe this is the reason for descrepency in the integrals before? # for now I am ignoring this, perhaps it's fine as the snr is independent of phi_0? g_44 = ( f_plus ** 2 * gp ** 2 * c2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * gp ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * gc ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * gc ** 2 * c2p ** 2 ) # f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) # defined earlier ghat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_hat ** 2) d0 = a_hat[0] sigma_44 = g_hat[0] # idea: could have an assertion to check that d0 is the same for g_hat and a_hat... a_22 = d0 / d a_44 = sigma_44 * a_22 like = exp( f_22 * a_22 - 0.5 * (ahat2 + g_22 * a_22 ** 2) + f_44 * a_44 - 0.5 * (ghat2 + g_44 * a_44 ** 2) ) return like
[docs] def l4422_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, marg=True): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ integrand = lambda phi: l4422_parts_d_cosi_psi( a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi ) l = 1 / (pi) * quad(integrand, 0, pi)[0] return l
[docs] def l4422_d_cosi(a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi and psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) """ l = ( 2 / pi * quad( lambda p: l4422_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, g_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, p), 0, pi / 2, )[0] ) return l
######################## 33 mode too ##################################################
[docs] def lhm_parts_d_cosi_psi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, g_hat=None, j_hat=None, k_hat=None, cross_term_alphas={}, ): """ calculate the two dimensional likelihood, marginalized over phi log-likelihood can be written as: 1/2(ahat^2 - 2*d0/d * f(x, psi) * cos(2phi - phi0) + (d0/d)^2 g(x,psi)) :return: ahat2, f, g :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param g_hat: the 44 mode G Params :param j_hat: the 33 mode J Params :param k_hat: the 21 mode K Params :param cross_term_alphas: dictionary containing a tuple of the additional pair of alpha values required for each mode (one each at 0 and pi/2. phase offset). """ ########################### 22 mode ##################### c2p = cos(2 * psi) s2p = sin(2 * psi) x2 = (1 + x ** 2) / 2 c2phi_fac = ( a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p + a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p ) s2phi_fac = ( -a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p - a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p ) f_22 = cos(2 * phi) * c2phi_fac + sin(2 * phi) * s2phi_fac g_22 = ( f_plus ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * c2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * x ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x ** 2 * c2p ** 2 ) f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) ahat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * a_hat ** 2) d0 = a_hat[0] a_22 = d0 / d like = exp(f_22 * a_22 - 0.5 * (ahat2 + g_22 * a_22 ** 2)) ########################### 44 mode ##################### if type(g_hat) == numpy.ndarray: # if True: # iota = arccos(x) sin2 = 1 - x ** 2 gp = 2 * sin2 * x2 # amp['44+'](iota) gc = 2 * sin2 * x # amp['44x'](iota) c4phi_fac = ( g_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * gp * c2p + g_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * gp * s2p - g_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * gc * s2p + g_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * gc * c2p ) s4phi_fac = ( -g_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * gc * s2p + g_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * gc * c2p - g_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * gp * c2p - g_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * gp * s2p ) f_44 = cos(4 * phi) * c4phi_fac + sin(4 * phi) * s4phi_fac g_44 = ( f_plus ** 2 * gp ** 2 * c2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * gp ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * gc ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * gc ** 2 * c2p ** 2 ) ghat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * g_hat ** 2) sigma_44 = g_hat[0] a_44 = sigma_44 * a_22 like *= exp(f_44 * a_44 - 0.5 * (ghat2 + g_44 * a_44 ** 2)) ########################### 33 mode ##################### if type(j_hat) == numpy.ndarray: iota = arccos(x) jp = amp["33+"](iota) jc = amp["33x"](iota) c3phi_fac = ( j_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * jp * c2p + j_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * jp * s2p - j_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * jc * s2p + j_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * jc * c2p ) s3phi_fac = ( -j_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * jc * s2p + j_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * jc * c2p - j_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * jp * c2p - j_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * jp * s2p ) f_33 = cos(3 * phi) * c3phi_fac + sin(3 * phi) * s3phi_fac g_33 = ( f_plus ** 2 * jp ** 2 * c2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * jp ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * jc ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * jc ** 2 * c2p ** 2 ) jhat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * j_hat ** 2) sigma_33 = j_hat[0] a_33 = sigma_33 * a_22 like *= exp(f_33 * a_33 - 0.5 * (jhat2 + g_33 * a_33 ** 2)) ########################### 21 mode ##################### if type(k_hat) == numpy.ndarray: iota = arccos(x) kp = amp["21+"](iota) kc = amp["21x"](iota) c1phi_fac = ( k_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * kp * c2p + k_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * kp * s2p - k_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * kc * s2p + k_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * kc * c2p ) s1phi_fac = ( -k_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * kc * s2p + k_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * kc * c2p - k_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * kp * c2p - k_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * kp * s2p ) f_21 = cos(1 * phi) * c1phi_fac + sin(1 * phi) * s1phi_fac g_21 = ( f_plus ** 2 * kp ** 2 * c2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * kp ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * kc ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * kc ** 2 * c2p ** 2 ) khat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * k_hat ** 2) sigma_21 = k_hat[0] a_21 = sigma_21 * a_22 like *= exp(f_21 * a_21 - 0.5 * (khat2 + g_21 * a_21 ** 2)) ########################### 22_21 cross terms ################### if "22_21" in cross_term_alphas.keys(): alpha_2221, alpha_2221_i = cross_term_alphas["22_21"] fp2 = (f_plus * alpha_2221) ** 2 fc2 = (f_cross * alpha_2221) ** 2 fp2_i = (f_plus * alpha_2221_i) ** 2 fc2_i = (f_cross * alpha_2221_i) ** 2 a_temp, k_temp = ( fstat.params_to_a(d, x, psi, phi), fstat.params_to_k(d, x, psi, phi, sigma_21=1), ) # a_hat * k: f_22_21 = ( fp2 * (a_hat[1] * k_temp[1] + a_hat[3] * k_temp[3]) + fc2 * (a_hat[2] * k_temp[2] + a_hat[4] * k_temp[4]) + fp2_i * (a_hat[1] * k_temp[3] - a_hat[3] * k_temp[1]) + fc2_i * (a_hat[2] * k_temp[4] - a_hat[4] * k_temp[2]) # k_hat * a: + ( +fp2 * (k_hat[1] * a_temp[1] + k_hat[3] * a_temp[3]) + fc2 * (k_hat[2] * a_temp[2] + k_hat[4] * a_temp[4]) + fp2_i * (k_hat[1] * a_temp[3] - k_hat[3] * a_temp[1]) + fc2_i * (k_hat[2] * a_temp[4] - k_hat[4] * a_temp[2]) ) / sigma_21 # (must divide by alpha_21 factor in k_hat) ) g_22_21 = 2 * ( fp2 * (a_temp[1] * k_temp[1] + a_temp[3] * k_temp[3]) + fc2 * (a_temp[2] * k_temp[2] + a_temp[4] * k_temp[4]) + fp2_i * (a_temp[1] * k_temp[3] - a_temp[3] * k_temp[1]) + fc2_i * (a_temp[2] * k_temp[4] - a_temp[4] * k_temp[2]) ) ahat_khat = ( 2 * ( fp2 * (a_hat[1] * k_hat[1] + a_hat[3] * k_hat[3]) + fc2 * (a_hat[2] * k_hat[2] + a_hat[4] * k_hat[4]) + fp2_i * (a_hat[1] * k_hat[3] - a_hat[3] * k_hat[1]) + fc2_i * (a_hat[2] * k_hat[4] - a_hat[4] * k_hat[2]) ) / sigma_21 ) # (must divide by alpha_21 factor in k_hat) like *= exp(f_22_21 * a_22 - 0.5 * (ahat_khat + g_22_21 * a_22 ** 2)) ########################### 22_33 cross terms ################### if "22_33" in cross_term_alphas.keys(): alpha_2233, alpha_2233_i = cross_term_alphas["22_33"] fp2 = (f_plus * alpha_2233) ** 2 fc2 = (f_cross * alpha_2233) ** 2 fp2_i = (f_plus * alpha_2233_i) ** 2 fc2_i = (f_cross * alpha_2233_i) ** 2 a_temp, j_temp = ( fstat.params_to_a(d, x, psi, phi), fstat.params_to_j(d, x, psi, phi, sigma_33=1), ) # a_hat * j: f_22_33 = ( fp2 * (a_hat[1] * j_temp[1] + a_hat[3] * j_temp[3]) + fc2 * (a_hat[2] * j_temp[2] + a_hat[4] * j_temp[4]) + fp2_i * (a_hat[1] * j_temp[3] - a_hat[3] * j_temp[1]) + fc2_i * (a_hat[2] * j_temp[4] - a_hat[4] * j_temp[2]) # j_hat * a: + ( +fp2 * (j_hat[1] * a_temp[1] + j_hat[3] * a_temp[3]) + fc2 * (j_hat[2] * a_temp[2] + j_hat[4] * a_temp[4]) + fp2_i * (j_hat[1] * a_temp[3] - j_hat[3] * a_temp[1]) + fc2_i * (j_hat[2] * a_temp[4] - j_hat[4] * a_temp[2]) ) / sigma_33 # (must divide by alpha_33 factor in j_hat) ) g_22_33 = 2 * ( fp2 * (a_temp[1] * j_temp[1] + a_temp[3] * j_temp[3]) + fc2 * (a_temp[2] * j_temp[2] + a_temp[4] * j_temp[4]) + fp2_i * (a_temp[1] * j_temp[3] - a_temp[3] * j_temp[1]) + fc2_i * (a_temp[2] * j_temp[4] - a_temp[4] * j_temp[2]) ) ahat_jhat = ( 2 * ( fp2 * (a_hat[1] * j_hat[1] + a_hat[3] * j_hat[3]) + fc2 * (a_hat[2] * j_hat[2] + a_hat[4] * j_hat[4]) + fp2_i * (a_hat[1] * j_hat[3] - a_hat[3] * j_hat[1]) + fc2_i * (a_hat[2] * j_hat[4] - a_hat[4] * j_hat[2]) ) / sigma_33 ) # (must divide by alpha_33 factor in j_hat) like *= exp(f_22_33 * a_22 - 0.5 * (ahat_jhat + g_22_33 * a_22 ** 2)) ########################### 22_44 cross terms ################### if "22_44" in cross_term_alphas.keys(): alpha_2244, alpha_2244_i = cross_term_alphas["22_44"] fp2 = (f_plus * alpha_2244) ** 2 fc2 = (f_cross * alpha_2244) ** 2 fp2_i = (f_plus * alpha_2244_i) ** 2 fc2_i = (f_cross * alpha_2244_i) ** 2 a_temp, g_temp = ( fstat.params_to_a(d, x, psi, phi), fstat.params_to_g(d, x, psi, phi, sigma_44=1), ) # a_hat * g: f_22_44 = ( fp2 * (a_hat[1] * g_temp[1] + a_hat[3] * g_temp[3]) + fc2 * (a_hat[2] * g_temp[2] + a_hat[4] * g_temp[4]) + fp2_i * (a_hat[1] * g_temp[3] - a_hat[3] * g_temp[1]) + fc2_i * (a_hat[2] * g_temp[4] - a_hat[4] * g_temp[2]) # g_hat * a: + ( +fp2 * (g_hat[1] * a_temp[1] + g_hat[3] * a_temp[3]) + fc2 * (g_hat[2] * a_temp[2] + g_hat[4] * a_temp[4]) + fp2_i * (g_hat[1] * a_temp[3] - g_hat[3] * a_temp[1]) + fc2_i * (g_hat[2] * a_temp[4] - g_hat[4] * a_temp[2]) ) / sigma_44 # (must divide by alpha_44 factor in g_hat) ) g_22_44 = 2 * ( fp2 * (a_temp[1] * g_temp[1] + a_temp[3] * g_temp[3]) + fc2 * (a_temp[2] * g_temp[2] + a_temp[4] * g_temp[4]) + fp2_i * (a_temp[1] * g_temp[3] - a_temp[3] * g_temp[1]) + fc2_i * (a_temp[2] * g_temp[4] - a_temp[4] * g_temp[2]) ) ahat_ghat = ( 2 * ( fp2 * (a_hat[1] * g_hat[1] + a_hat[3] * g_hat[3]) + fc2 * (a_hat[2] * g_hat[2] + a_hat[4] * g_hat[4]) + fp2_i * (a_hat[1] * g_hat[3] - a_hat[3] * g_hat[1]) + fc2_i * (a_hat[2] * g_hat[4] - a_hat[4] * g_hat[2]) ) / sigma_44 ) # (must divide by alpha_44 factor in g_hat) like *= exp(f_22_44 * a_22 - 0.5 * (ahat_ghat + g_22_44 * a_22 ** 2)) return like
[docs] def lhm_d_cosi_psi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, g_hat=None, j_hat=None, k_hat=None, cross_term_alphas={}, ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ integrand = lambda phi: lhm_parts_d_cosi_psi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, g_hat, j_hat, k_hat, cross_term_alphas ) l = 1 / (pi) * quad(integrand, 0, pi)[0] # , epsrel=1.48,epsabs=1.48e-2)[0] return l
[docs] def lhm_d_cosi_phi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, g_hat=None, j_hat=None, k_hat=None, cross_term_alphas={}, ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over psi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ integrand = lambda psi: lhm_parts_d_cosi_psi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, g_hat, j_hat, k_hat, cross_term_alphas ) l = 2 / pi * quad(integrand, 0, pi / 2, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2)[0] return l
[docs] def lhm_d_cosi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, g_hat=None, j_hat=None, k_hat=None, cross_term_alphas={}, ): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi and psi, with a uniform (1/2pi) prior on both :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) """ l = ( 1 / (2 * pi) * quad( lambda phi: lhm_d_cosi_phi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, g_hat, j_hat, k_hat, cross_term_alphas, ), 0, 2 * pi, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2, )[0] ) return l
# def lhm_d_cosi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, g_hat=None, j_hat=None): # """ # Return the likelihood marginalized over phi and psi, with a uniform # (1/2pi) prior on both # :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters # :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity # :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity # :param d: distance # :param x: cos(inclination) # """ # l = ( # 2 # / pi # * quad(lambda psi: lhm_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, g_hat, j_hat), 0, pi / 2)[0] #,epsrel=1.48,epsabs=1.48e-2)[0] # ) # return l ######################### numerical integration functions ###############################
[docs] def like_parts_d_cosi_psi_phi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, numerical=False, phi_first=False ): """ calculate the two dimensional likelihood, marginalized over phi log-likelihood can be written as: 1/2(ahat^2 - 2*d0/d * f(x, psi) * cos(2phi - phi0) + (d0/d)^2 g(x,psi)) :return: ahat2, f, g :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization """ f_resp = array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross]) ahat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * a_hat ** 2) d0 = a_hat[0] a = d0 / d if not phi_first: c2ph = cos(2 * phi) s2ph = sin(2 * phi) x2 = (1 + x ** 2) / 2 c2psi_fac = ( a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2ph + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x * s2ph - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * s2ph + a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2ph ) s2psi_fac = ( -a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2ph + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * c2ph - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x * c2ph - a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2ph ) if numerical: g_c2psi_fac = ( f_plus ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * c2ph ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x ** 2 * s2ph ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * s2ph ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x ** 2 * c2ph ** 2 ) g_s2psi_fac = ( f_plus ** 2 * x ** 2 * s2ph ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * c2ph ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * x ** 2 * c2ph ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * s2ph ** 2 ) g = cos(2 * psi) * g_c2psi_fac + sin(2 * psi) * g_s2psi_fac f = cos(2 * psi) * c2psi_fac + sin(2 * psi) * s2psi_fac like = exp(f * a - 0.5 * (ahat2 + g * a ** 2)) else: raise "cannot do psi integral analytically" else: c2p = cos(2 * psi) s2p = sin(2 * psi) x2 = (1 + x ** 2) / 2 c2phi_fac = ( a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p + a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p ) s2phi_fac = ( -a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p + a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p - a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p - a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p ) g = ( f_plus ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * c2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_plus ** 2 * x ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x ** 2 * c2p ** 2 ) if numerical: f = cos(2 * phi) * c2phi_fac + sin(2 * phi) * s2phi_fac like = exp(f * a - 0.5 * (ahat2 + g * a ** 2)) else: f = sqrt(c2phi_fac ** 2 + s2phi_fac ** 2) like = special.i0e(f * a) * exp(f * a - 0.5 * (ahat2 + g * a ** 2)) return like
[docs] def l_d_c_phi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, numerical=False): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ if numerical: l = ( 2 / pi * quad( lambda psi: like_parts_d_cosi_psi_phi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, numerical=True ), 0, pi / 2.0, )[0] ) else: l = like_parts_d_cosi_psi_phi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, None, phi) return l
[docs] def l_d_c_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, numerical=False): """ Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, using flat (1/2pi) prior :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity :param d: distance :param x: cos(inclination) :param psi: polarization :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization :return: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. """ if numerical: l = ( 1 / pi * quad( lambda phi: like_parts_d_cosi_psi_phi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi, numerical=True, phi_first=True, ), 0, pi, epsrel=1.48, epsabs=1.48e-2, )[0] ) else: l = like_parts_d_cosi_psi_phi( a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, None, phi_first=True ) return l
# def ldc(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, numerical=False, phi_first=False): # """ # Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, using flat (1/2pi) prior # :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters # :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity # :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity # :param d: distance # :param x: cos(inclination) # :param psi: polarization # :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization # :returns: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. # """ # if not phi_first: # l = ( # 1 # / pi # * quad(lambda phi: l_d_c_phi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, # phi, numerical), 0, pi)[0] # ) # else: # l = ( # 2 # / pi # * quad(lambda psi: l_d_c_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, # psi, numerical), 0, pi/2., epsrel=1.48,epsabs=1.48e-2)[0] # ) # return l # # # def l_d_c_phi_numerical(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi, marg=True): # """ # Return the likelihood marginalized over psi, using flat (1/2pi) prior # :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters # :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity # :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity # :param d: distance # :param x: cos(inclination) # :param psi: polarization # :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization # :returns: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. # """ # l = ( # 1 # / pi # * quad(lambda psi: like_parts_d_cosi_psi_phi_numerical(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, phi), 0, pi)[0] # ) # return l # # def l_d_c_psi_first(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x): # """ # Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, using flat (1/2pi) prior # :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters # :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity # :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity # :param d: distance # :param x: cos(inclination) # :param psi: polarization # :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization # :returns: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. # """ # integrand = lambda phi: l_d_c_phi_numerical(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, phi) # l = (1/(pi) * quad(integrand, 0, pi)[0]) # return l # # def l_d_c_phi_first(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x): # """ # Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, using flat (1/2pi) prior # :param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters # :param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity # :param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity # :param d: distance # :param x: cos(inclination) # :param psi: polarization # :param marg: do or don't do the marginalization # :returns: the marginalization factor. I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term. # """ # integrand = lambda psi: l_d_c_psi_numerical(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi) # l = (1/(pi) * quad(integrand, 0, pi)[0]) # return l