import numpy as np
from scipy import special
from scipy.integrate import quad
import pylab
from simple_pe import fstat
def like_equal_d_cosi(a_hat, f, d, cosi):
For a network equally sensitive to plus and cross, calculate the
likelihood marginalized over the 2 phases. This a function of d and cosi.
Note: we use uniform prior on phi, psi (=1/2pi)
:param a_hat: the f-stat parameters of the signal
:param f: the detector response (f = F+ = Fx)
:param d: distance of template
:param cosi: cos(inclination) of template
# calculate the two dimensional likelihood in circular polarization
# marginalized over the two phases
ar_hat, al_hat = fstat.a_to_circ_amp(a_hat)
d0 = a_hat[0]
al = (d0 / d) * (1 - cosi) ** 2 / 4
ar = (d0 / d) * (1 + cosi) ** 2 / 4
like = np.exp(- f ** 2 * (al - al_hat) ** 2) * \
np.exp(- f ** 2 * (ar - ar_hat) ** 2) * \
np.special.i0e(2 * f ** 2 * al * al_hat) * \
np.special.i0e(2 * f ** 2 * ar * ar_hat)
return like
def like_equal_cosi(a_hat, f, x, d_max=1000., make_plot=False):
For a network equally sensitive to plus and cross, calculate the
likelihood marginalized over the distance and 2 phases.
This a function of cosi. We use uniform priors, specifically 1/2pi for
psi,phi, 1/2 for cosi, 3 d^2dd/d_max^3 for dist.
:param a_hat: the f-stat parameters of the signal
:param f: the detector response (f = F+ = Fx)
:param x: cos(inclination) of template
:param d_max: maximum distance for marginalization
:param make_plot: plot the likelihood vs distance
ar_hat, al_hat = fstat.a_to_circ_amp(a_hat)
d0 = a_hat[0]
# we want to choose sensible ranges of integration:
x4 = (1 + 6 * x ** 2 + x ** 4)
a_peak = 2 * (al_hat * (1 - x) ** 2 + ar_hat * (1 + x) ** 2) / x4
a_width = 2. * np.sqrt(2) / (f * np.sqrt(x4))
l_circ = quad(lambda a: (3 * d0 ** 3) / d_max ** 3 * a ** -4 *
like_equal_d_cosi(a_hat, f, d0 / a, x),
np.max(a_peak - 5 * a_width, 0), a_peak + 5 * a_width,
epsabs=1e-8, epsrel=1e-8)[0]
if make_plot:
a = np.linspace(np.max(a_peak - 5 * a_width, 0), a_peak + 5 * a_width)
lc = np.zeros_like(a)
for (i, a) in enumerate(a):
lc[i] = a ** -4 * like_equal_d_cosi(a_hat, f, d0 / a, x)
pylab.plot(a, lc)
return l_circ
def like_equal(a_hat, f, d_max=1000):
"""calculate the likelihood for network equally sensitive to plus and cross.
Marginalized over the two phases, inclination and distance. We use uniform
priors, specifically 1/2pi for psi,phi, 1/2 for cosi, 3 d^2dd/d_max^3 for
distance d_max. """
lc = 0.5 * quad(lambda x: like_equal_cosi(a_hat, f, x, d_max),
-1., 1., epsabs=1e-8, epsrel=1e-8)[0]
return lc
def like_parts_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, psi):
calculate the two dimensional likelihood, marginalized over phi
log-likelihood can be written as:
1/2(ahat^2 - 2*d0/d * f(x, psi) * cos(2phi - phi0) + (d0/d)^2 g(x,psi))
return: ahat2, f, g
:param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters
:param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity
:param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity
:param x: cos(inclination)
:param psi: polarization
c2p = np.cos(2 * psi)
s2p = np.sin(2 * psi)
x2 = (1 + x ** 2) / 2
c2phi_fac = a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p \
+ a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p \
- a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p \
+ a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p
s2phi_fac = - a_hat[1] * f_plus ** 2 * x * s2p \
+ a_hat[2] * f_cross ** 2 * x * c2p \
- a_hat[3] * f_plus ** 2 * x2 * c2p \
- a_hat[4] * f_cross ** 2 * x2 * s2p
f = np.sqrt(c2phi_fac ** 2 + s2phi_fac ** 2)
g = f_plus ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * c2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x2 ** 2 * s2p ** 2 \
+ f_plus ** 2 * x ** 2 * s2p ** 2 + f_cross ** 2 * x ** 2 * c2p ** 2
f_resp = np.array([0, f_plus, f_cross, f_plus, f_cross])
ahat2 = sum(f_resp ** 2 * a_hat ** 2)
return ahat2, f, g
def like_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x, psi, marg=True):
Return the likelihood marginalized over phi, using flat (1/2pi) prior
:param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters
:param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity
:param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity
:param d: distance
:param x: cos(inclination)
:param psi: polarization
:param marg: do or don't do the marginalization
:returns: the marginalization factor.
I don't think it includes the exp(rho^2/2) term.
ahat2, f, g = like_parts_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, psi)
d0 = a_hat[0]
# Marginalizing over phi (from zero to 2 pi) gives:
# 2 pi i0e(a f) exp(-1/2(ahat^2 - 2 f a + g a^2))
a = d0 / d
like = np.exp(f * a - 0.5 * (ahat2 + g * a ** 2))
if marg: like *= special.i0e(f * a)
return like
def like_d_cosi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d, x):
Return the likelihood marginalized over phi and psi, with a uniform
(1/2pi) prior on both
:param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters
:param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity
:param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity
:param d: distance
:param x: cos(inclination)
l = 2 / np.pi * quad(lambda p: like_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross,
d, x, p),
0, np.pi / 2)[0]
return l
def like_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, psi, d_max=1000.):
Return the likelihood marginalized over d and phi, using flat (1/2pi
prior on phi; uniform volume on d up to d_max.
:param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters
:param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity
:param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity
:param x: cos(inclination)
:param psi: polarization
:param d_max: maximum distance for marginalization
ahat2, f, g = like_parts_d_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, psi)
d0 = a_hat[0]
# Marginalizing over phi gives:
# 2 pi i0e(a f) exp(-1/2(ahat^2 - 2 f a + g a^2))
like = lambda a: 3 * d0 ** 2 / d_max ** 3 * a ** (-4) * \
np.special.i0e(f * a) * \
np.exp(f * a - 0.5 * (ahat2 + g * a ** 2))
l_psix = quad(like, max(0, f / g - 5 / np.sqrt(g)), f / g + 5 / np.sqrt(g))
return l_psix[0]
def like_cosi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, d_max=1000.):
Return the likelihood marginalized over d, phi and psi.
Use uniform (1/2pi) prior on phi, psi, uniform in volume prior over d out to
:param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters
:param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity
:param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity
:param x: cos(inclination)
:param d_max: maximum distance for marginalization
l_x = 2 / np.pi * quad(lambda p: like_cosi_psi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross,
x, p, d_max),
0, np.pi / 2, epsabs=1e-8, epsrel=1e-8)[0]
return l_x
def like(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d_max=1000.):
Return the likelihood marginalized over all 4 f-stat parameteras.
Use uniform (1/2pi) prior on phi, psi, uniform (1/2)on cosi,
uniform in volume prior over d out to d_max.
:param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters
:param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity
:param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity
:param d_max: maximum distance for marginalization
l = 1. / 2 * quad(lambda x: like_cosi(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, x, d_max),
-1, 1, epsabs=1e-8, epsrel=1e-8)[0]
return l
def like_from_snr(zh, zl, sigh, sigl, dt, dt_ring, f_plus_cross):
"""Calculate the likelihood from observed SNRs for a 2 detector
zh: np.complex
The complex matched filter SNR for detector 1
zl: np.complex
The complex matched filter SNR for detector 2
sigh: float
sigma for detector 1
sigl: float
sigma for detector 2
dt: float
observed difference in merger time between the two detectors
dt_ring: np.ndarray
array containing the difference in merger time for ring in the
f_plus_cross: np.ndarray
array containing the detector sensitivity along the ring in
the sky
dmax = np.linalg.norm(np.array([sigh, sigl]))
z = np.array((zh, zl))
i = (abs(dt_ring - dt)).argmin()
f_pc = f_plus_cross[i]
sigma = np.array([[sigh], [sigl]])
lik = np.zeros(len(f_pc))
coherent = np.zeros(len(f_pc))
left = np.zeros(len(f_pc))
right = np.zeros(len(f_pc))
for j, f in enumerate(f_pc):
f_sig = f * sigma
a = fstat.snr_f_to_a(z, f_sig)
fp, fc, chi = fstat.dominant_polarization(f_sig)
D, cosi, psi, phi = fstat.a_to_params(a)
a_dp = fstat.params_to_a(D, cosi, psi - chi, phi)
lik[j], ld = like_approx(a_dp, fp, fc, dmax)
coherent[j] = ld["coh"]
left[j] = ld["left"]
right[j] = ld["right"]
return lik, coherent, left, right
def loglike_approx(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d_max=1000., method="coh",
Calculate the approximate likelihood. This works for three cases:
left and right circularly polarized and the standard coherent analysis.
This reproduces the equations (A.18) and (A.29) from "Localization of
transient gravitational wave sources: beyond triangulation", Class.
Quantum Grav. 35 (2018) 105002
:param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters
:param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity
:param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity
:param d_max: maximum distance for marginalization
:param method: approximation for calculating likelihood, one of "coh",
"left", "right"
:param correction: scale the approx likelihood to improve fit
if (method == "left") or (method == "right"):
a_hat = fstat.circ_project(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, method)
d_hat, cosi_hat, _, _ = fstat.a_to_params(a_hat)
snr = fstat.expected_snr(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross)
if snr == 0:
loglike = 0
elif method == "coh":
loglike = np.log(24 * (d_hat / d_max) ** 3 * d_hat ** 4 /
(f_plus ** 2 * f_cross ** 2) /
(1 - cosi_hat ** 2) ** 3)
# the width in cos iota:
cos_fac = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(2) * (f_cross ** 2 + f_plus ** 2) /
(f_plus * f_cross))
cos_width = np.minimum(cos_fac / snr ** 0.5, 1)
cos_int = 1 - (1 - cos_width) ** 4
loglike = (
np.log(3) - np.log(8) + 3 * np.log(d_hat / d_max) -
2 * np.log(snr) + np.log(cos_int)
if correction:
factor = 1 - 75. / (2 * snr ** 2)
loglike += np.log(factor) + 0.2
return loglike, snr
def like_approx(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross, d_max=1000., correction=False):
Calculate the approximate likelihood summed over left, right and coherent.
:param a_hat: the F-stat A parameters
:param f_plus: F_plus sensitivity
:param f_cross: F_cross sensitivity
:param d_max: maximum distance for marginalization
:param correction: scale the approx likelihood to improve fit
loglike = {}
snr = {}
like = {}
for method in ["left", "right", "coh"]:
loglike[method], snr[method] = loglike_approx(a_hat, f_plus, f_cross,
d_max, method=method,
like[method] = snr[method] ** 2 / 2 + loglike[method]
if snr[method] < 6:
like[method] = 0
if ((snr["coh"] ** 2 - snr["right"] ** 2) < 2) or \
((snr["coh"] ** 2 - snr["left"] ** 2) < 2):
like["coh"] = 0
like_approx = np.logaddexp(np.logaddexp(like["left"], like["right"]),
return like_approx, like