Source code for simple_pe.detectors.noise_curves

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

from pycbc.filter import sigma, sigmasq
from pycbc.waveform import get_fd_waveform
from simple_pe.cosmology import redshift_at_lum_dist
from pycbc.detector import Detector
from simple_pe import fstat
from simple_pe.waveforms.waveform_modes import mode_array_dict

[docs] def calc_reach_bandwidth( masses, spin, approx, psd, fmin, thresh=8., mass_configuration="component" ): """ Calculate the horizon, mean frequency and bandwidth for a given PSD in the detector frame Parameters ---------- masses: list the masses of the binary. Can be component masses or chirp mass-symmetric mass ratio spin: float the aligned spin for both components approx: str the waveform used to calculate the horizon psd: pycbc.psd the power spectrum to use fmin: float the minimum frequency thresh: float the SNR at which to calculate the horizon mass_configuration: str, optional configuration of the binary masses. Must be either 'component' if masses contains the primary mass and secondary, or 'chirp' if masses contained the chirp mass and symmetric mass ratio Returns ------- max_dist: float the horizon for the signal meanf: float the mean frequency sigf: float the frequency bandwidth """ from simple_pe.waveforms.waveform import make_waveform if mass_configuration not in ["component", "chirp"]: raise ValueError( "mass_configuration must be either component or chirp" ) if mass_configuration == "component": mass1, mass2 = masses else: from pycbc.conversions import ( mass1_from_mchirp_eta, mass2_from_mchirp_eta ) mass1 = mass1_from_mchirp_eta(*masses) mass2 = mass2_from_mchirp_eta(*masses) fmax = psd.sample_frequencies[-1] df = psd.delta_f params = { "mass_1": mass1, "mass_2": mass2, "spin_1z": spin, "spin_2z": spin, "distance": 1. } hpf, hcf = make_waveform( params, df, fmin, int(fmax / df) + 1, approximant=approx, return_hc=True ) ss = float(sigmasq(hpf, psd, low_frequency_cutoff=fmin, high_frequency_cutoff=hpf.sample_frequencies[-1])) hpf *= hpf.sample_frequencies ** 0.5 ssf = float(sigmasq(hpf, psd, low_frequency_cutoff=fmin, high_frequency_cutoff=hpf.sample_frequencies[-1])) hpf *= hpf.sample_frequencies ** 0.5 ssf2 = float(sigmasq(hpf, psd, low_frequency_cutoff=fmin, high_frequency_cutoff=hpf.sample_frequencies[-1])) max_dist = np.sqrt(ss) / thresh meanf = ssf / ss sigf = (ssf2 / ss - meanf ** 2) ** 0.5 return max_dist, meanf, sigf
[docs] def calc_detector_horizon(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, psd, fmin, snr=8, waveform='IMRPhenomXHM'): """ Calculate the horizon for a given PSD [in the detector frame] using only the (2, 2) mode. Note: the code doesn't use the opening angle between detector arms, i.e. takes the maximum F+= 1. Parameters ---------- mass1: float the mass of the first component mass2: float the mass of second component spin1z: float the z-component of spin for first component spin2z: float the z-component of spin for second component psd: pycbc.psd the power spectrum to use fmin: float the minimum frequency snr: float the SNR at which to calculate the horizon waveform: str the waveform used to calculate the horizon Returns ------- horizon: float the horizon distance for the given system """ return calc_mode_horizon(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, psd, fmin, snr, '22', waveform)
[docs] def calc_mode_horizon(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, psd, fmin, snr=8, mode='22', waveform='IMRPhenomXHM'): """ Calculate the horizon for a given PSD [in the detector frame] using only the (2, 2) mode. Note: the code doesn't use the opening angle between detector arms, i.e. takes the maximum F+= 1. For the (2, 2) mode, we return the horizon for a face-on signal, for other modes we return the horizon for an edge-on system. [This is correct for most modes, but the (3, 3) has a slightly larger amplitude at a different inclination] Parameters ---------- mass1: float the mass of the first component mass2: float the mass ratio of second component spin1z: float the z-component of spin for first component spin2z: float the z-component of spin for second component psd: pycbc.psd the power spectrum to use fmin: float the minimum frequency snr: float the SNR at which to calculate the horizon mode: str the mode for which to calculate horizon waveform: str the waveform used to calculate the horizon triangle: bool scale horizon for a triangular detector (True/False) Returns ------- horizon: the higher mode horizon in detector frame for given masses and spin """ fmax = psd.sample_frequencies[-1] df = psd.delta_f if mode not in mode_array_dict.keys(): print("Not implemented for this mode") return 0 try: hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(approximant=waveform, mass1=mass1, mass2=mass2, spin1z=spin1z, spin2z=spin2z, mode_array=mode_array_dict[mode], distance=1, f_lower=fmin, f_final=fmax, delta_f=df, inclination=np.pi / 2) sig = sigma(hp, psd, low_frequency_cutoff=fmin, high_frequency_cutoff=hp.sample_frequencies[-1]) if mode == '22': sig *= 2 except: sig = 0. return sig / snr
[docs] def interpolate_horizon(min_mass, max_mass, q, spin1z, spin2z, psd, fmin, snr=8, waveform='IMRPhenomXHM', npts=100): """ Generate an interpolation function for the horizon [in the detector frame] for a binary with total mass between min_mass and max_mass, with given mass ratio and spin from a frequency fmin in a detector with given psd Note: the code doesn't use the opening angle between detector arms, i.e. takes the maximum F+= 1. Parameters ---------- min_mass: float the minimum total mass max_mass: float the maximum total mass q: float the mass ratio spin1z: float the z-component of spin for first component spin2z: float the z-component of spin for second component psd: pycbc.psd the PSD used to calculate the horizon fmin: float the minimum frequency snr: float the SNR at which to calculate the horizon waveform: str the waveform used to calculate the horizon npts: int number of points to use in interpolation Returns ------- horizon_interp: horizon interpolation function """ return interpolate_mode_horizon(min_mass, max_mass, q, spin1z, spin2z, psd, fmin, snr, '22', waveform, npts)
[docs] def interpolate_mode_horizon(min_mass, max_mass, q, spin1z, spin2z, psd, fmin, snr=8, mode='22', waveform='IMRPhenomXHM', npts=100): """ Generate an interpolation function for the horizon [in the detector frame] for a binary with total mass between min_mass and max_mass, with given mass ratio and spin from a frequency fmin in a detector with given psd Note: the code doesn't use the opening angle between detector arms, i.e. takes the maximum F+= 1. Parameters ---------- min_mass: float the minimum total mass max_mass: float the maximum total mass q: float the mass ratio spin1z: float the z-component of spin for first component spin2z: float the z-component of spin for second component psd: pycbc.psd the power spectrum to use fmin: float the minimum frequency snr: float the SNR at which to calculate the horizon mode: str the mode to calculate the horizon for waveform: str the waveform used to calculate the horizon triangle: bool scale horizon for a triangular detector (True/False) npts: int number of points to use in interpolation Returns ------- horizon_interp: horizon interpolation in detector frame for higher modes """ # add a safety margin so interpolation definitely covers range masses = np.logspace(np.log10(0.5 * min_mass), np.log10(1.5 * max_mass), npts) horizon = np.array([calc_mode_horizon(mass * q / (1. + q), mass * 1 / (1. + q), spin1z, spin2z, psd, fmin, snr, mode, waveform) for mass in masses]) horizon_interp = interpolate.interp1d(masses, horizon) return horizon_interp
[docs] def interpolate_source_horizon(min_mass, max_mass, hor_interp, snr_factor=1.): """ Generate an interpolation function for the reach of the detector for a binary with total mass between min_mass and max_mass in the source frame, given the detector frame horizon. The SNR factor takes into account the difference in threshold between the horizon and requested contour (either through wanting a different SNR limit or through sky averaging) Parameters ---------- min_mass: float the minimum total mass max_mass: float the maximum total mass hor_interp: detector frame interpolator snr_factor: float ratio between SNR for horizon and requested contour Returns ------- h_interp: horizon interpolation in source frame """ # add a safety margin so interpolation definitely covers range masses = np.logspace(np.log10(0.5 * min_mass), np.log10(1.5 * max_mass), 1000) d_horizon = hor_interp(masses) * snr_factor z_horizon = redshift_at_lum_dist(d_horizon) m_horizon = masses / (1 + z_horizon) h_interp = interpolate.interp1d(m_horizon, z_horizon) return h_interp
[docs] def generate_fplus_fcross_samples(ntrials=int(1e6), triangle=False): """ generate values of F+ and Fx for a set of ntrials samples located at random sky positions (uniformly over the sky) Parameters ---------- ntrials: int the number of trials triangle: bool L or triangle detector Returns ------- f_plus: numpy.array array of f_plus values f_cross: numpy.array array of f_plus values """ ra = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, ntrials) dec = np.arcsin(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, ntrials)) psi = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, ntrials) t_gps = 1187008882.4434 if triangle: ifos = ["E1", "E2", "E3"] else: ifos = ['H1'] dets = {ifo: Detector(ifo) for ifo in ifos} f_plus = {} f_cross = {} f = {} for ifo in ifos: f_plus[ifo] = np.zeros_like(ra) f_cross[ifo] = np.zeros_like(ra) f[ifo] = np.zeros_like(ra) for i, r in enumerate(ra): f_plus[ifo][i], f_cross[ifo][i] = \ dets[ifo].antenna_pattern(r, dec[i], psi[i], t_gps) f[ifo] = np.sqrt(f_plus[ifo] ** 2 + f_cross[ifo] ** 2) f_plus['net'] = np.linalg.norm(np.array([f_plus[ifo] for ifo in ifos]), axis=0) f_cross['net'] = np.linalg.norm(np.array([f_cross[ifo] for ifo in ifos]), axis=0) return f_plus['net'], f_cross['net']
[docs] def calc_orientation_factors(ntrials=int(1e6), modes=None, triangle=False): """ generate orientation factors for a set of samples located at random sky locations and random orientations Parameters ---------- ntrials: int the number of trials modes: list a list of modes triangle: bool L or triangle detector Returns ------- amp: dict dictionary of arrays of amplitudes. One array with ntrials entries per mode """ if modes is None: modes = ['22'] # the (source) polarization relative to the radiation frame is randomly # chosen chi = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, ntrials) cosi = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, ntrials) phi0 = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, ntrials) dist = np.ones_like(cosi) # arbitrarily fix distance to unity f_plus, f_cross = generate_fplus_fcross_samples(ntrials, triangle) a_vals = {} for mode in modes: a_vals[mode] = fstat.params_to_mode_a(mode, dist, cosi, chi, phi0, alpha=1.) total, amp = fstat.expected_snr_in_modes(a_vals, f_plus, f_cross) return amp
[docs] def calc_amp_info(amp, probs=None): """ Calculate the maximum amplitude and the ratios at the given probs Parameters ---------- amp: np.array Array of reported amplitudes probs: list A list of probabilities at which to calculate relative amplitude Returns ------- amax: float the maximum amplitude p_amp: dict dictionary of relative amplitudes for each of the given probabilities """ if probs is None: probs = [0.1, 0.5, 0.9] amp.sort() amax = np.max(amp) p_amp = {} for p in probs: if amax > 0: p_amp[p] = amp[int(-p * len(amp))] / amax else: p_amp[p] = 0 return amax, p_amp