import numpy as np
from pycbc import detector
# define the detectors
def detectors(ifos):
Set up a dictionary of detector locations and responses.
ifos: list
a list of IFOs
location: dict
a dictionary of detector locations
response: dict
a dictionary of the detector responses
location = {}
response = {}
for ifo in ifos:
det = detector.Detector(ifo)
location[ifo] = det.location
response[ifo] = det.response
return location, response
# Need to add EL, EV (L-shaped ET equivalent)
# AL, AV, UL, UV (for 3-et config)
# For CE, use hanford/livingston
# for Voyager use existing sites
def calc_location_response(longitude, latitude, arms):
Calculate the location and response for a detector with longitude,
latitude in degrees
The angle gives the orientation of the arms and is in degrees
from North to East
longitude: float
the longitude
latitude: float
the latitude
arms: float
the angle between the arms
location: np.array
the detector location
response: np.array
the detector response
phi = np.radians(longitude)
theta = np.radians(latitude)
angle = np.radians(arms)
r = 6.4e6
location = r * xyz(phi, theta)
r_hat = location / np.linalg.norm(location)
# Take North, project onto earth's surface...
e_n = np.array([0, 0, 1])
e_n = e_n - r_hat * np.inner(e_n, r_hat)
# normalize
e_n = e_n / np.linalg.norm(e_n)
# and calculate east
e_e = np.cross(e_n, r_hat)
# Calculate arm vectors
u_y = e_e * np.sin(angle) + e_n * np.cos(angle)
u_x = e_e * np.sin(angle + np.pi / 2) + e_n * np.cos(angle + np.pi / 2)
response = np.array(1. / 2 * (np.outer(u_x, u_x) - np.outer(u_y, u_y)),
return location, response
# co-ordinate transformations
def xyz(phi, theta):
return cartesian co-ordinates on the unit sphere for a given theta and phi
phi: float
azimuthal angle
theta: float
inclination angle
loc: array of (x, y, z) locations
x = np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi)
y = np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi)
z = np.sin(theta)
loc = np.asarray([x, y, z])
return loc
def phitheta(loc):
return spherical co-ordinates for a given set of cartesian coordinates
loc: np.array
(x, y, z) locations
phi: float
azimuthal angle
inclination angle
x = loc[0]
y = loc[1]
z = loc[2]
r = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2)
theta = np.arcsin(z / r)
phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
return phi, theta
def range_8(configuration):
Provide the range for a set of detectors based upon the given configuration
configuration: str
the name of the network configuration
range_dict: dict
dictionary of ranges for ifos in network
range_dict_all = {
"design": {'H1': 197.5, 'L1': 197.5, 'V1': 128.3},
"o3": {'H1': 150, 'L1': 150, 'V1': 90},
"2016": {'H1': 108, 'L1': 108, 'V1': 36},
"early": {'H1': 60., 'L1': 60.},
"half_ligo": {'H1': 99, 'L1': 99, 'V1': 128.3},
"half_virgo": {'H1': 197.5, 'L1': 197.5, 'V1': 64},
"nosrm": {'H1': 159, 'L1': 159, 'V1': 109},
"india": {'H1': 197.5, 'L1': 197.5, 'V1': 128.3, "I1": 197.5},
"kagra": {'H1': 197.5, 'L1': 197.5, 'V1': 128.3, "I1": 197.5,
"K1": 160.0},
"kagra-o3-8": {'H1': 110, 'L1': 140, 'V1': 50, "K1": 8.0},
"kagra-o3-15": {'H1': 110, 'L1': 140, 'V1': 50, "K1": 15.0},
"kagra-o3-25": {'H1': 110, 'L1': 140, 'V1': 50, "K1": 25.0},
"nokagra-o3": {'H1': 110, 'L1': 140, 'V1': 50},
"aligoplus": {'H1': 300, 'L1': 300, 'V1': 130, "K1": 130.0},
"bala": {'H1': 197.5, 'H2': 197.5, 'L1': 197.5, 'V1': 128.3,
"I1": 197.5, "K1": 160.0},
"sa": {'H1': 197.5, 'L1': 197.5, 'V1': 128.3, "I1": 197.5,
"K1": 160.0, "S1": 197.5},
"sa2": {'H1': 197.5, 'L1': 197.5, 'V1': 128.3, "I1": 197.5,
"K1": 160.0, "S1": 197.5},
"steve": {'H1': 160.0, 'L1': 160.0, 'V1': 160.0, "I1": 160.0},
"s6vsr2": {'H1': 20., 'L1': 20., 'V1': 8.},
"ET1": {'H1': 3 * 197.5, 'L1': 3 * 197.5, 'V1': 3 * 128.3,
'E1': 1500., 'E2': 1500., 'E3': 1500}, # Triangular ET
"ET2": {'H1': 3 * 197.5, 'L1': 3 * 197.5, 'V1': 3 * 128.3,
'E1': 1500., 'A1': 1500.},
# L-shaped at 2 places
return range_dict_all[configuration]
def bandwidth(configuration):
Provide the bandwidth for a set of detectors based upon the given
configuration: str
the name of the network configuration
bandwidth_dict: dict
dictionary of bandwidths for ifos in network
bandwidth_dict_all = {
"design": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9},
"o3": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9},
"early": {'H1': 123.7, 'L1': 123.7},
"2016": {'H1': 115., 'L1': 115, 'V1': 89.},
"half_virgo": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9},
"half_ligo": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9},
"nosrm": {'H1': 43, 'L1': 43, 'V1': 58},
"india": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9, "I1": 117.4},
"kagra": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9, "I1": 117.4,
"K1": 89.0},
"kagra-o3": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9, "K1": 89.0},
"kagra-o3-8": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9, "K1": 89.0},
"kagra-o3-15": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9, "K1": 89.0},
"kagra-o3-25": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9, "K1": 89.0},
"nokagra-o3": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9},
"aligoplus": {'H1': 150., 'L1': 150., 'V1': 80., "K1": 80.0},
"bala": {'H1': 117.4, 'H2': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9,
"I1": 117.4, "K1": 89.0},
"sa": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9, "I1": 117.4,
"K1": 89.0, "S1": 117.4},
"sa2": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9, "I1": 117.4,
"K1": 89.0, "S1": 117.4},
"steve": {'H1': 100.0, 'L1': 100.0, 'V1': 100.0, "I1": 100.0},
"s6vsr2": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 120.},
"ET1": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9,
'E1': 117.4, 'E2': 117.4},
"ET2": {'H1': 117.4, 'L1': 117.4, 'V1': 148.9,
'E1': 117.4, 'A1': 117.4},
return bandwidth_dict_all[configuration]
def fmean(configuration):
Provide the mean frequency for a set of detectors based upon the
given configuration
configuration: str
the name of the network configuration
fmean_dict: dict
dictionary of mean frequencies for ifos in network
fmean_dict_all = {
"steve": {'H1': 100.0, 'L1': 100.0, 'V1': 100.0, "I1": 100.0},
"early": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100.},
"2016": {'H1': 118., 'L1': 118., 'V1': 119.},
"design": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130.},
"o3": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130.},
"india": {'H1': 100., 'I1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130.},
"kagra": {'H1': 100., 'I1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130., "K1": 100},
"kagra-o3": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130., "K1": 100},
"kagra-o3-8": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130., "K1": 100},
"kagra-o3-15": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130., "K1": 100},
"kagra-o3-25": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130., "K1": 100},
"nokagra-o3": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130.},
"aligoplus": {'H1': 120., 'K1': 100., 'L1': 120., 'V1': 100.},
"s6vsr2": {'H1': 180., 'L1': 180., 'V1': 150.},
"ET1": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130.,
'E1': 100., 'E2': 100},
"ET2": {'H1': 100., 'L1': 100., 'V1': 130.,
'E1': 100., 'A1': 100},
return fmean_dict_all[configuration]
def sigma_t(configuration):
return the timing accuracy. We use SNR of 10 in LIGO,
but scale the expected
SNR in other detectors based on the range.
It's just 1/(20 pi sigma_f for LIGO.
But 1/(20 pi sigma_f)(r_ligo/r_virgo) for others ;
configuration: str
the name of the network configuration
sigma_t_dict: dict
dictionary of timing accuracies for ifos in network
b = bandwidth(configuration)
r = range_8(configuration)
s = {}
for ifo in r.keys():
s[ifo] = 1. / 20 / np.pi / b[ifo] * r["H1"] / r[ifo]
return s