import numpy as np
from numpy import *
import astropy.units as u
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15, z_at_value
BNSrate=1500 * u.Gpc**-3 * u.yr**-1 # From BNS discovery paper
t_D_min = 0.02 #from Regimau Mock #0.05 - from Taylor and Gair 2012
t_D_max = 13.7
'''We are using Planck15 cosmological parameters:'''
# H0 = 67.74
# Om0 = 0.307
# Ode0 = 0.691
def sfr(z):
equation 15 on p. 48 of Madau and Dickenson (2014)
return 0.015*(1.+z)**2.7/(1.+(1.+z)/2.9)**5.6 #msun per yr per Mpc^3
def redshift_at_age(t):
t in billions of years
z = z_at_age_interp(t)
return z
def age_at_redshift(z):
t in billions of years
t = Planck15.age(z)/u.Gyr
return t
def delay_distribution(t, t_D_min=t_D_min, t_D_max=t_D_max):
dist = array([1/t])
dist[where(t_D_max<t_D)] = 0
dist[where(t_D<t_D_min)] = 0
return dist
def rate_density_coalescence_integrand(t_D, z):
zf = z_at_formation(z, t_D)
return sfr(zf) * delay_distribution(t_D) / (1+zf)
def rate_density_coalescence(z, t_D_min=t_D_min, t_D_max=t_D_max):
epsilon = 0.001 #otherwise rounding errors causes astropy to throw an error
t_D_max = age_at_redshift(z) - epsilon
return integrate.quad(rate_density_coalescence_integrand, t_D_min, t_D_max, args = (z), epsrel=1.49e-02)[0]
def integrand(z, R0 = BNSrate): # eq 31 in Regimbau 2012
norm = R0/rate_density_coalescence(0)
R_local = norm * rate_density_coalescence(z)
dv_dz=Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(z).to(u.Gpc**3 / #dv_dz_interp(z)
return 4*np.pi * * dv_dz * R_local * u.yr #1/(1+z) factor accounted for in rate_density_coalescence_integrand
epsilon = 0.0005
ages = geomspace(epsilon, age_at_redshift(0)-epsilon,1000)
z_at_ages = array([z_at_value(Planck15.age, age*u.Gyr) for age in ages])
z_at_age_interp = interp1d(ages,z_at_ages)