Source code for simple_pe.cosmology.merger_rate_evolution

import numpy as np
from numpy import *
import astropy.units as u

import scipy.integrate as integrate
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from astropy.cosmology import Planck15, z_at_value

BNSrate=1500 * u.Gpc**-3 * u.yr**-1  # From BNS discovery paper

t_D_min = 0.02  # from Regimau Mock #0.05 - from Taylor and Gair 2012
t_D_max = 13.7

'''We are using Planck15 cosmological parameters:'''
# H0 = 67.74
# Om0 = 0.307
# Ode0 = 0.691

# Time - redshift conversions

[docs] def redshift_at_age(t): ''' t in billions of years ''' z = z_at_age_interp(t) return z
[docs] def age_at_redshift(z): ''' t in billions of years ''' return age_at_z_interp(z)
# interpolation functions to speed up: redshifts = linspace(0.0, 20, 1000) redshifts = append(redshifts, linspace(20,900,100)) age_at_z = array([Planck15.age(z)/u.Gyr for z in redshifts]) age_at_z_interp = interp1d(redshifts, age_at_z) epsilon = 0.0005 ages = linspace(epsilon, age_at_redshift(0)-epsilon,1000) z_at_ages = array([z_at_value(Planck15.age, age*u.Gyr) for age in ages]) ages = append(ages, age_at_redshift(0)) z_at_ages = append(z_at_ages, 0) z_at_age_interp = interp1d(ages,z_at_ages)
[docs] def z_at_formation(z,t_D): '''takes the redshift of a source at merger and the delay since formation, outputs the redshift at which the binary was formed ''' age = age_at_redshift(z) - t_D if (age<0).any(): raise ValueError('this time delay - redshift combination would require formation before the beginning of the universe') else: return redshift_at_age(age)
# Star formation rate fits
[docs] def sfrMD(z): ''' equation 15 on p. 48 of Madau and Dickenson (2014) uses (O_M, O_de, h) = (0.3, 0.7, 0.7) params ''' sfrmd = 0.015*(1.+z)**2.7/(1.+((1.+z)/2.9)**5.6) # msun per yr per Mpc^3 # below convert to Plan15 cosmology (it's small) # (H0 constant out the fron will be normalized away later so we ignore it) return sfrmd # * sqrt((0.3075*(1+z)**3 + 0.691)/(0.3*(1+z)**3 + 0.7)) neglecting this cosmology convertion factor as it is essentially negligible
[docs] def sfrHB(z): ''' SFR of Hopkins and Beacom (2006) ''' return 0.7 * (0.017 + 0.13*z) / (1.+(z/3.3)**5.3)
[docs] def sfr2_porciani_madau(z): ''' SFR2 from porciani madau 2001 ''' return exp(3.4*z) / (exp(3.4*z)+22.) *Planck15.efunc(z) /((1+z)**(3/2.))
# Time Delay Distribution
[docs] def P(t_D, t_D_max = age_at_redshift(0), t_D_min = t_D_min): '''1/t delay time distribution''' norm_cnst = 1/log(t_D_max/t_D_min) # denominator = integral of 1/t from min to max delay times. try: test_dist = 1./t_D test_dist[where(t_D_max<t_D)] = 0 test_dist[where(t_D<t_D_min)] = 0 return norm_cnst*test_dist except TypeError: # when times are given as floats, instead of arrays if t_D <t_D_min: return 0 elif t_D>t_D_max: return 0 else: return norm_cnst*1/t_D
# CBC merger rate density
[docs] def rate_density_integrand(tb, t, sfr = sfrMD): '''eq 37 of Nakar (2007) equivalent to eq 3 of LIGO GW150914 stochastic paper (2016) also eq 1 from Anand (2017) also eq 3 of Ghirlanda (2016) also eq 1 of LIGO kilanova paper (2017) also eq 18 in Taylor and Gair (2012) ''' t_D = t - tb zf = redshift_at_age(tb) return sfr(zf) * P(t_D)
[docs] def rate_density(z, z_max = 20, sfr = sfrMD): ''' computes the rate density at z by integrating over the contributions from all possible delay times from binary birth to merger and the attending SFR at the at the time of formation z_max: define a maximum redshift beyond which we assume there is no star formation sfr: specify a cosmic sfr function ''' t = age_at_redshift(z) t_min = age_at_redshift(z_max) return integrate.quad(rate_density_integrand, t_min, t, args = (t, sfr), epsabs = 0)[0]
[docs] def integrand(z, R0 = BNSrate, z_max = 20, sfr = sfrMD): ''' ''' norm = R0/rate_density(0, z_max, sfr) R_local = norm * rate_density(z, z_max = z_max, sfr = sfr) dv_dz=Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(z).to(u.Gpc**3 / # dv_dz_interp(z) return 4*np.pi * * dv_dz * R_local * u.yr * 1/(1+z) # 4*pi factor: dv/dz is given in per steridians and so we multiply by the whole sky