
simple-pe is a Python library that performs simple parameter estimation for gravitational wave signals emitted by coalescing binaries.

The code is a collection of tools which have been developed over the years to quickly perform parameter estimation on gravitational wave signals, often using leading order approximations, to obtain accurate, physically interpretable results.

Perform full parameter estimation on simulated signals

An analysis of simulated signal to produce parameter estimation results using the methods described in Simple parameter estimation using observable features of gravitational-wave signals.

Perform parameter estimation on GW events

An example analysis of GW159014.

Perform source localization

Perform localization using through triangulation, based on the methods described in Triangulation of gravitational wave sources with a network of detectors.

Generate Higher order Multipole Amplitudes and SNRs.
Calculate detector horizon and range plots, including higher modes


This project is under active development

Indices and tables